twilight sparkle, rainbow dash, fluttershy, pinkie pie, applejack, and etc (friendship is magic and etc) created by seidouryu
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  • titaniachkt said:
    I don't think it's against the rules to post a hi resolution image though

    It's not, but some days, bigger is not necessarily better.

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  • Most of the swimsuits fit but Rarity's and Dash's. I think Rarity should be in one of those fashion swimsuits that cost $200 and never goes into the water. I can see RD in a one piece that the Racers use from Speedo or Asic.

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  • fit: AJ(well.. it suit her) & RD (the kind for people who work out)
    maybe: PP(well is pink) & TS (she looks good...but something is not fit about it) & FS(japenese?)
    wut?: Rarity(why why why she would want something fanecy no?)
    perfect: spike (well what is naked stays naked XD)

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  • Tigerskunk said:
    Most of the swimsuits fit but Rarity's and Dash's. I think Rarity should be in one of those fashion swimsuits that cost $200 and never goes into the water. I can see RD in a one piece that the Racers use from Speedo or Asic.

    Rarity's suit for $200? Pffff!!! xD

    Rarity's personality makes her look like a frekin millionaire. XD

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