javalier rawhead, magnus, magnus irongut, and scaramouche rotbelly created by drjavi
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In which Dr. Javi, Magnus, and Scaramouche make arrangements for a brief Sabbatical.



“Glad to finally have you join the winning team.” Magnus announced with an air of excitement as he guided the smaller genet to his abode. The plump otter rarely found himself the taller member of a pairing, so he made good use of this rare opportunity to wrap his arm around his petite colleague.

“I'm afraid I'm out of the loop here – are there genital-based team sports I should be aware of?” Javalier asked, briefly roused from his ongoing distraction by a moment of pedantry. He'd been fixated on the little 'rearrangement' he'd made for himself in the lab today, and thought it best to seek out the advice of some experts on how best to take advantage of this brave new frontier, but even in the presence of the gleeful otter so eager to show him the ropes, he still found his mind wandering to what now lie betwixt his legs.

“No, but we should look into that later.” Magnus admitted as they arrived at their destination. Standing on his tippytoes to unlock the apartment door with his badge, the otter's stretch gave Javi a good view of his overgrown vulva from behind. The lax nudity policy the two enjoyed meant that outside of the personal protection equipment requisite for labwork, they'd often enjoy a good bit of open air across their nethers, but Javi considered himself fairly chaste in most regards, and didn't often find his attention so sharply consumed by visual splendors like this. But now? Now was different.

“Make yourself at home!” Magnus declared once the door opened, his labcoat exploding off him as soon as he passed the threshold as if it his body repelled the very concept of clothing. Once properly naked, he swiftly darted off around a corner with eager panting and hurried tippytaps of his little feet across the floor.

Javi looked about uncertainly, closing the door behind him, undressing as appeared to be the custom in this househould, and trying not to be too critical of the state of the abode he now found himself a guest in. He'd expect a fellow scientist's personal quarters to be a bit more orderly, especially since, if he recalled correctly, the otter's husband worked as a maid, but the chaos and disorder strewn about the place was ever-present.

Further scrutinizing a few fingers absentmindedly wandered back down to his altered junk, Javi chalked the disarray up to the scatterbrained nature of his colleague. It was pretty commonplace to see Magnus throw himself into full swing on a new project, only to jump ship as soon as something else enticing piqued his interest. Thankfully, his meticulous documentation meant whoever had to take over for him had a pretty easy time of things.

The genet's musings were interrupted as the distant conversation a few rooms away erupted with a hearty guffaw and an incredulous inquiry, “You tellin' me this sumbitch got himself a robot butthole?”

Magnus cleared his throat to correct his husband as the two returned to join their guest in the living room. “A fully-synthetic replacement of his digestive system to make it more efficient, yes. But it's not what you're thinking-” the otter was then cut off by the lumbering hyena that followed shortly behind him.

“Show me your robohole!” the giddy hyena demanded, his fists gripped in eager anticipation, rocking up and down on the balls of his feet.

Javi was taken aback by the big oaf's sudden insistence, and while normally he'd be happy to provide an educational demonstration for an inquisitive mind, he found himself instead quite literally salivating at the hyena's appearance. Whenever Magnus mentioned his big galoof of a hyena husband, it always conjured up the mental image of a big-dicked fella that could satisfy the otter's sizable mound, his pride and joy that he was so quick to brag about at the slightest provocation. And while, to be fair, the hyena that stood before him was nearly the size of both Javi and Magnus put together, he wasn't exactly the picture of masculinity the genet had expected.

The hairy hyena came equipped with a modest bust that put his otherwise-masculine appearance, voice, and attitude in stark contrast – and beneath it, his hairy gut sat nestled above a plump and inviting vulva that rivaled the one Magnus sported in size, though it looked much more appropriate on a creature twice the otter's height.

“Manners, sweetie. Introduce yourself before you instigate buggery.” Magnus censured his husband with a beleaguered sigh.

“Oh yeah!” the hyena realized, ears perked as he reached paw forwards down to the genet, pausing and squatting down to correct the height imbalance in an unintentionally patronizing way. “I'm St-” the hyena began his introduction, interrupted by a sudden 'ahem' from his husband to ensure he used his proper name. “Erm, Scaramouche!” he corrected himself.

After a few incredulous blinks and a quick shake to clear his head, Javi returned the gesture. “Dr. Javalier Rawhead.” he introduced himself in turn, reflexively adding his usual “I look forward to working with you.” as his gaze drifted down the hyena's frontside.

“So like I was saying...” Magnus leaned in to re-insert himself into the conversation. “Javi here just got swapped over so I figured we'd be the best experts to consult on showing him the ropes.”

“Aww, I remember when I first got mine. M'dad thought it'd mellow me out some, make me behave better. N'look how that turned out!” the hyena gave a big belly-laugh as he reminisced.

“So you experienced unwilling sexual reassignment as a punitive measure?” Javi inquired, floored by the casual and brazen explanation. “With current advances in technology we could certainly reverse-” he paused mid-sentence, a dismissive wave from the hyena stopping him in his tracks.

“Naw naw naw, things turned out fer the better anyhow. You should'a' seen that monster I had to lug around back in the day, couldn't fit it in nobody, and I always been more of a bottom anyways.” he explained.

Javi shuddered at the thought of what kind of behemoth once lurked upon those loins, another shake of his head dismissing that unpleasantness.

“Besides, you do the crime, you pay the slime!” Scaramouche added, mangling that common adage in a way Magnus's weary expression indicated was commonplace in this household. “My daddy didn't raise no quitter.” the hyena added with a confident nod, arms crossed over his chest.

The little otter squinted up at this hirsute husband. “That's the same excuse he gives for why he swallows his toothpaste.” he criticized the big oaf.

“Hey, spittin's quittin'. Simple as that.” the reprobate defended his hygiene choices.

“But the point is...” Magnus once again tried to re-orient the conversation thread that kept getting derailed. “Between the two of us, we know what it's like going from one to the other. So if you have any questions please feel free to-” he paused, patiently letting his husband cut again once more as he read the big hyena's body language and could tell he was simply brimming with interruptions.

“Enough tongue-wagglin'! Lets git started!” the hyena suggested, licking his lips as he eyed Javi's new nethers. Javi gulped. Though he did feel a bit a comfort that his longing glances were being reciprocated, and counted himself thankful there wouldn't be any phallus involved, he still felt a tad bit intimidated by the size difference on display.

“Easy, boy.” Magnus patted the bigger mammal's flank. “We should ease into this slowly. Make sure everything's nice and comfortable. Foreplay, if you will.”

“But there's only three of us...” the confused hyena noted with a tilt of his head.

“Not...” the exasperated otter was too flustered to even issue a proper correction. He flopped back onto an oversized beanbag chair that was positioned nearby, already exhausted before they've even really gotten started.

The hyena followed after him, excitedly leaping atop into the soft embrace of the beans, his sudden impact displacing the cushioning enough that Magnus was propelled back off of it and onto the ground with a tired groan.

Javi stifled a chuckle at the pair's antics. Something about their bombastic buffoonery made for a comfortable ice-breaker. It certainly got his mind off the awkwardness of what they were about to discuss.

With another grunt of effort, Magnus righted himself, sitting up on the floor and spreading out his legs to let that fat muff of his breathe. “Okay, okay, I promise I'll be quick.” he offered, reaching down to pry himself open with both hands, showing off the lush inner workings of his prized pussy. His husband plopped back down onto the ground on the opposite side of Javi, mirroring the otter's actions to lift and spread his own folds.

“I assume you know all the basics?” the otter asked, just to double-check.

Javi nodded and gently sat himself down between the two, looking betwixt their massive mounds and expertly reciting every last anatomical detail from memory. It was invigorating seeing such plump and juicy examples of his favored genitalia blown up to such mammoth proportions like this. It made pointing out the individual components elementary.

Magnus moved his fingers to rub over all of the reachable features as Javi listed them, though this demonstration seemed to be more for his husband's benefit than anyone else's, since the hyena kept looking up and down between his pussy and the otter's own with a befuddled expression, struggling to keep up with the scientific names for everything.

“N'here I just called 'em the flaps n' the bean.” Scaramouche chuckled to himself once Javi's lecture drew to a close.

The genet narrowed his eyes in response. “Come now! Your vulva is a vast and varied cornucopia of splendors and deserves better than that sort of reductionist view.” Javi found himself arguing, leaning closer to gesticulate towards the darkened flesh of the hyena's nethers.

“So yer sayin' you like my big ol' boy pussy then, doc?” the hyena grinned. His marriage afforded him a talent for undercutting well-thought out arguments with crude and concise rebuttals like that.

Even Magnus couldn't help but snicker as the flustered genet was left a bit red in the face from that turnabout. It wasn't so frustrating when he wasn't on the receiving end of it, after all.

“Y-yes... all vulvas are beautiful things, regardless of gender.” Javi admitted as he stared so longingly into that hyena hole.

“Aww shucks, well I think you got yerself a real pretty pussy, too, mister.” Scaramouche chuckled, only reddening the good doctor's cheeks even further.

“Agreed! Let's take a look inside.” Magnus waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Still unsure of himself, the genet hesitated a bit before starting to spread his legs. The cool air circulating over his exposed nethers sent a shiver up his spine, drawing a “D'awww” of admiration from the hyena flanking him.

Javi slowly dipped his fingers down inside to spread his outer labia apart for his hosts' viewing pleasure. Though he'd given himself an exploratory probe earlier to make sure everything was in proper, working order, this was still a rather alien sensation for him.

“Now I know you're no stranger to the glorious gash, but having your own is a bit different, huh?” Magnus teased the genet. “Lemme show you how you take care of yourself if you ain't got mister detachable shower-head around to get the job done.” he offered.

Scaramouche snickered at this. “I swear that shower-head gets more snatch than I do.”

“Factually correct, now pay attention.” Magnus confirmed, working his deft and experienced fingers in and out of himself, quickly summoning enough moisture from deep inside that cleft to start making quite audible, slick noises from his masturbatory efforts. He detailed his process aloud, specifically engineered to satisfy every part of his anatomy to maximize both efficiency and pleasure, drawing Javi's rapt fascination as he watched the otter manhandle his muff to completion in surprisingly short order. The eruption he emitted ended up painting his husband's feet with a surprising volume of projectile squirting.

Left panting with a satisfied glaze to his eyes, Magnus leaned back a bit and let his oversized muff he'd been supporting flop against the newly-slickened ground. “And that's how it's done. For a quickie, anyhow. If you've got time on your hands, you can break out the advanced techniques.” he explains, putting ominous emphasis on those last two words.

“But are you really... satisfied so quickly?” Javi inquired, squirming a bit as the demonstration got his own juices flowing already, and trying to resist the temptation to just lick that sweet pussy debris off Scaramouche's feet as the big oaf wiggled his toes playfully.

“Of course! Though I've got what's often referred to as an 'enhanced libido'.” Magnus explained.

“I call it the otter-hots.” Scaramouche added to tease the portly scientist.

“So I might need ten to twelve of these to get me through the day until I get home.” the otter clarified.

“Wait, you do this at the lab?” Javi realized. That explained a lot of interesting workplace aromas he'd encountered recently...

“Irrelevant. My technique is flawless.” Magnus brushed off the workplace masturbation concerns.

“You can keep yer fancy tricks. I just shove whatever I can find up there.” Scaramouche offered his simpler methodology as an alternative to Magnus's magnificent masturbatory machinations. “You know, traffic cones, bowling pins, watermelons, barstools...” he trailed off as he looked a the little genet, the cobwebbed cogs of his mind churning together slowly as he compared the doctor's size to various objects he's taken in the past.

“I don't know if that sort of penetration is exactly what the Doctor ordered.” Magnus motioned to the little genet, well aware of his distaste for the phallus.

“Well shit, I'm out of ideas then.” the big hyena chuckled, though his fingers did still grip and massage his nethers idly as he pondered other methods of stimulation.

Magnus licked his chops as he watched the big yeen splay. “Say, I don't know about you guys, but all that foolin' around's got me famished.” he admitted, hefting himself up to waddle towards and flop into his husband's embrace.

With a grin and a smooch on the head, Scaramouche lowered his lover down to faceplant into his meaty flaps with an audible 'plap'. Already getting to work with loud slurps and an eager wagging of his tail, Magnus only diverted his efforts momentarily to call back to his guest. “Buffet's open, by the way.” he offered, hiking his tail to show off the fat otter pussy-and-pucker combo meal underneath.

Javi was sweating profusely at this point. Eating out a guy's ripe, juicy pussy while he did the same to his husband? It'd be rude to refuse, right? He wouldn't want to be rude...

The genet gave in to temptation and crawled forward to admire his colleague's genitals up-close and personal. Surely there would be no lasting repercussions for indulging himself here. He was a professional, after all. He wouldn't look at his fellow scientist any differently at the lab after having sniffed his pussy. Or having run his tongue through those thick, meaty folds. Or plunging his entire face into that ungodly-large vulva and letting it subsume him. Surely.

Magnus certainly didn't voice any concerns over the matter. What few moans and groans of discourse that did escape him were quickly swallowed up by his husband's own cavernous man-canyon.

“Aww yeah little dude, git up in there!” Scaramouche cheered on his newfound friend, though to be honest the encouragement could apply to either of the scientists squirming beneath him in equal measure. From the amount of gasping and writhing he felt from his husband, he could tell that Javi was pushing all of the otter's buttons just right.

Eventually, Magnus surfaced for air, gasping and panting with his eyes lidded in pleasure. “He's... got his whole head up there...” the otter explained, wracked by the genet's feverish feasting.

“Hell yeah! Let's see how deep we kin gittim.” Scaramouche suggested, lifting up his little husband and re-positioning him to lay on his belly on the ground and dragging the genet still lodged up in him along for the ride.

Javi felt his world flipped - turned upside down - as he was manhandled by the experts, eagerly squirming and rubbing himself around in that delicious crevice with feverish devotion.

Scaramouche meanwhile descended upon Javi's fresh new nethers to get a sniff for himself. “Oy if you want off this crazy ride, just holler or kick or somethin'.” he warned with a playful little slap on the genet's rump, before scooting his snoot in to get all up in that plump new pussy the doctor sported.

An electric sensation shot up Javi's spine as he felt that warm, wet nose pressed into his new crevice. Even with the uncultured hyena's rough, sloppy technique, that broad tongue that was quickly setting to work slobbering all over his already-moist folds was absolutely heavenly. Did it always feel this amazing? He should have made this change years ago!

The hyena paused as he felt Javi slipping from his grasp, looking up to see the little guy had been subsumed up to his shoulders in that expansive Magnus-mound. “Ooohdang baby, lookit you go!” he cheered, reaching up to help spread his husband open and see just how much he could fit, and sniffing at the prone lutrine's puffy rumphole to further tease him.

Magnus, for his part, focused most of his effort on gripping the floor to better anchor himself to this reality so he would not float away into the heavenly embrace of nirvana as the sensations wracking him so tangibly threatened. It was a losing battle.

Then, Scaramouche had an idea. Rare as such an event was, such occasions were often grim portents indeed. He grinned wide, reaching underneath himself to scoop up Javi's bare feet and rub them against his own moistened manmuff. “Hold on tight, doc!” he called out, before shoving the genet's feet up inside himself, shuddering in bliss from that sizable insertion, but already adjusting to go even further beyond.

Javi was in absolute heaven, smooshed between two vivacious vulvas that were quickly consuming him in his entirety. Thanks to the synthetic upgrades he'd made to his own vision, though, he was able to make out the inner workings of the womb he was swiftly being shoved into with delightful detail without need for a light source. It was immaculate.

The hyena behind him shuddered and groaned, adoring the sensation of those little feet wiggling up inside him. Once he managed to push those little tootsies in far enough, he wrangled his husband's hips and started thrusting – resurrecting those long-neglected topping skills from back in the day and starting to fuck his favorite scientist with another scientist.

The trio continued to cavort in this passionate fashion for quite some time, all three unleashing heated moans in the throes of unconventional coitus, even though Javi's were fairly contained within his fleshy prison for the most part. Soon, Scaramouche managed to distribute the little genet between the both of them in such a fashion that only his tail was left sticking out, the rest fully contained within those two mammoth pussies that now locked lips as lovers are wont to do.

After Magnus's umpteenth climax, he leaned back into the embrace, his husband doing much the same and pulling him back to fully indulge in that vaginal smooshing they shared together. Javi was pretty sure he could hear them exchanging sappy adorations that they'd likely be too embarrassed to throw around if they knew he could still pay witness from within those wombs.

The little otter, still panting in the afterglow of so many slick squirts, spotted something on a nearby shelf that could serve to enhance this little experience even more. Desiring to acquire it but too fatigued to move of his own accord, he issued grabby-paws in that general direction - the universal signal for 'uppies'. His husband chuckled and hefted the little guy up, along with the tiny doctor embedded between them, to reach whatever it was he was after.

With a little mix, mix, swirl action, the otter put the final touches on the alchemical admixture of his desire and chugged half of it, passing the other half to the hyena who, courageously, downed it without question, issuing a hearty belch thereafter. “So wut wuzzat?' he inquired only after the deed was done.

“Pussy Galore~” The otter explained as his hands outlined an imaginary rainbow to illustrate the majesty of his brilliant naming schema. “Patent pending.” he added in verbal fine print.

Scaramouche snickered, never sure what to expect with these little experiments, but always happy to volunteer as a test subject for his husband's hair-brained schemes. He could feel the tingle of the concoction getting to work downstairs immediately.

The two were quickly brought to their knees by the strain of the elixir on the burgeoning manginas, soon returning to the ground, now laying face to face on their backs as the genet lodged inside of them was spun around by the rotation. Their already-over-sized labia swiftly began to grow and grow, becoming thicker, stronger, and more fertile than ever before.

The two began to pant, playfully grinding their undulating vulva against one another as they continued to expand. From deep within them, cradled in his idyllic safe space, Javi could tell that their wombs were expanding as well – the entirety of that female anatomy swelling as a result of that experimental brew. He could feel both muffs tugging hungrily at him, but Scaramouche's larger size soon won out, as he was dragged away from Magnus and his head breached out into the open once more, seizing a sudden breath of fresh air as he lay witness to the exterior of the pair's altered anatomy. They were gigantic... and gorgeous.

Sadly, the genet wasn't afforded much time to appreciate this splendid sight, before his eviction drew Magnus's attention, and with a puckish grin, as the otter raised his feet up to press against the little guy's face, stuffing him deeper up the gluttonous gash behind him. “Methinks you're quite overdue for a Sabbatical, Doctor~” he cooed, licking his lips as he ground those fevered soles all over the wrecked little scientist's face.

Javi could conjure no coherent counterargument, instead only shuddering and moaning as he was enveloped once more by the hyena's ferocious folds.

Once more grinding himself muff to muff with his lover, Magnus chuckled as he watched Javi's head slowly disappear into his husband's cavernous clam. “Guess you'll have a new feline fixture in there for awhile~”

“A-actually-” Javi attempted to correct the taxonomical misnomer, but soon found himself silenced by the hyena's vagina schlorping shut around him.

“Actually Viverrid's ain't Felines, even though they're in the Feliformia suborder.” Scaramouche explained with a sudden level of insight and specificity that rarely escaped his muzzle.

Magnus blinked at him incredulously, astonished by the unexpected burst of trivia.

“Same for me, ya dingus.” the hyena added, returning to his more typical tone and demeanor as he reached down to tussle the otter's headfur.

Javi allowed himself to succumb to repose, content knowing pedant justice was upheld, and embracing the warm womb he had been deposited into. All in all, this little experiment of his seemed to welcome surprisingly positive dividends.

“So anyway, imma steal his formula and give everyone in the world a huge pussy now.” Magnus explained.

Scaramouche nodded. “Smart.”


Vulva Visualizations courtesy of Dr. Javi!

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