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  • [DELETION] larger version posted - ippiki ookami -
  • Comments
  • Tessaiga said:

    Maybe but more likely just those who think it's not 'holy' or 'right' to do anything except with a human female *BLEH* I'll take the dragon.

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  • Dragons are given such a bad rap with the whole "eating humans" thing. Not all of them eat humans, most only eat the humans who decide to try and mess with them. Humans are blech tasting... besides, all that armor is hard on the digestion...

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  • BastetTohrment said:
    Dragons are given such a bad rap with the whole "eating humans" thing. Not all of them eat humans, most only eat the humans who decide to try and mess with them. Humans are blech tasting... besides, all that armor is hard on the digestion...

    I love how your trying to put logic into a unrealistic scenario.

    BastetTohrment said:
    Dragons are given such a bad rap with the whole "eating humans" thing. Not all of them eat humans, most only eat the humans who decide to try and mess with them. Humans are blech tasting... besides, all that armor is hard on the digestion...

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