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Tammy had made a horrible mistake. Trying to visit a friend on Halloween she ventured too far outside of her village's protection, and was quickly snatched by a fox.

Instead of ending it quickly, the sadist had dragged her off to his group of friends who proceeded to inflict hours of unimaginable torment upon her, until she was too hurt to run. As she laid on the cold ground waiting for the torment to finally end in one way or another, she was kicked in the side by her captor.

"Well, that's it I guess", he said. "This isn't fun anymore, and I don't have much time left. So what do you guys want to do now?"

"That's obvious, Ryan. We burn the witch." replied another, to her complete horror. Tammy desperately tried to get up and run, but immediately got the wind knocked out of her as several of them kicked her at once.

"Burn, eh?", replied a third. "I hope it's more like a light searing. I like my squirrel meat rare."

"Sounds like fun", agreed Ryan. "Give me a minute".

Tammy kicked and screamed desperately but she was too weak to put up much resistance. In no time she was tied to a stake and a bunch of branches were laid around her.

"Well, let's start cooking then!" declared Ryan as he came closer with a torch. Tammy screamed.

"Wait!" shouted a new voice.

"No, no time to wait", angrily replied Ryan. My parents said I have to be home by ten. There's barely any time for this as it is. He brought the torch closer.

"No, don't! Think about what you're doing!"

Tammy's eyes opened wide. Could it be that one of the foxes could be on her side? She had read that it was extremely rare for predators to have a meat free diet, but perhaps this one could be one of them. She didn't know how she could get out of this predicament even with one fox on her side, but that was far more hope than she had since she was caught, and she clung desperately to it. She closed her eyes and prayed desperately that her unexpected ally would be able to free her somehow.

"What the fuck, dude?" snarled Ryan. He marched right to her defender. Angry and quite muscular, Ryan was quite imposing, but the other one was undeterred.

"I mean, it's like you're blind! Just look at her!", he shouted.

"She's young and tasty?" asked Ryan, with a confused expression.

"The costume!" replied the other one.

"Yes! Don't you see?", desperately pleaded Tammy. "We're not so different from each other!".

"What?" said both in unison. Tammy was confused.

"Somebody gag her again!" said her "savior". A rag was quickly stuffed in her mouth. "I mean, Ryan, can't you see? The costume is made of plastic! You're going to spoil all the delicious meat!"

Ryan looked at her in surprise. "Wow, where did she ever get that? Well, I'm in too much of a rush to care. "Don't tear the costume though, it could come useful. Now, let's eat already!"

  • Comments
  • Jesus christ. Blacklist has failed me hard this time. Im just gonna imagine the whole scene ends with the police coming in and making sure every one of those foxes is put in the dirt, then put this picture behind me.

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  • Freakycat said:
    Jesus christ. Blacklist has failed me hard this time. Im just gonna imagine the whole scene ends with the police coming in and making sure every one of those foxes is put in the dirt, then put this picture behind me.

    This is supposed to be happening in an universe where predators hunt and kill prey, but are supposed to be civilized about it by killing quickly and cleanly. But of course not everyone agrees and some decide to have some additional fun first.

    So in-universe this is less like murder and more like abusing a cow. They would get in some trouble, but not that much.

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  • Balmung_ said:
    This is supposed to be happening in an universe where predators hunt and kill prey, but are supposed to be civilized about it by killing quickly and cleanly. But of course not everyone agrees and some decide to have some additional fun first.

    So in-universe this is less like murder and more like abusing a cow. They would get in some trouble, but not that much.

    Yeah but like, y'know, it makes me feel bad :(

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  • Balmung_ said:
    This is supposed to be happening in an universe where predators hunt and kill prey, but are supposed to be civilized about it by killing quickly and cleanly. But of course not everyone agrees and some decide to have some additional fun first.

    So in-universe this is less like murder and more like abusing a cow. They would get in some trouble, but not that much.

    Either way, I like the my idea better

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  • balmung_ said:
    This is supposed to be happening in an universe where predators hunt and kill prey, but are supposed to be civilized about it by killing quickly and cleanly. But of course not everyone agrees and some decide to have some additional fun first.

    So in-universe this is less like murder and more like abusing a cow. They would get in some trouble, but not that much.

    Yea still messed up

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  • balmung_ said:
    That's not fuf, the artist is tagged correctly.

    Sorry, that's not what I meant. Yes, I am aware that it is not by Fuf. What I meant was the style and quality reminds me of Fuf's art. Again, kudos to Slowderpyguy for such a great peace.

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