blizzard entertainment and etc

i tried a experiment in a experimental version of blender (mantaflow) to see if i could setup a tube(urithra) through a bit of his penis so liquid can flow through it! What you see here is a literal explosive cum shot not just a emitter(there is one but its under his paw) XD also yes its hitting a box edge the liquid sim gets very laggy any bigger than this at the resolution its at atm. (longer higher framerate version)

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  • Huh, didn't know that you could have the first frame to show for 0ms. Using ffmpeg so not even sure what format to use to create that.

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  • Mairo said:
    Huh, didn't know that you could have the first frame to show for 0ms. Using ffmpeg so not even sure what format to use to create that.

    i use apng assembler its got a few intresting controls and good compression (animation is 120+ 5.4MB frames XD)

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  • Jesirawr said:
    It looks like wet sand leaking out...

    XD guess ill have to play with the settings more in the future to try and get a better result!

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