scp-1471-a (scp foundation) created by keadanger
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  • You wipe that look off your skull, you anomalous little shit.
    I'm not about to let myself be judged by an app for a fucking smartphone.

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  • fire238 said:
    You wipe that look off your skull, you anomalous little shit.
    I'm not about to let myself be judged by an app for a fucking smartphone.

    Damn, looks like he already got into your head.

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  • internetdiver said:
    so another stupid question: is there a difference between SCP 1471
    and 1471a? idk much about scp

    Usually if a scip has multiple components, they'll be designated with a "-#" appended onto the end, where # is usually either a letter or number (with numbers generally used if they expect there to be a lot of them due to how the anomaly functions). On occasion the unappended designation refers to the anomaly as a whole, and the appended ones to its components.

    In this case, 1471 is the mal0 smartphone app, and 1471-A is the entity it eventually summons.

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