Viewing sample resized to 66% of original (view original) Loading...
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Downloaded from the link in the source tweet, then converted from MP4 to WebM.

Looped Version:

  • Comments
  • Furlow said:
    I see what trying to do with this, but those thighs clip through each other pretty heavily.

    Maybe it's just me, but I see it as more of a squish-between-each-other deal moreso than clipping. Though I can definitely see what you mean!

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    TwistedLogik said:
    There's not a lot of reason for a 1:22 version of this is there?

    It's the original one the artist created and the shorter ones are an edit.

    With e6 being more of an archive I thought it'd be best to have the artist's original version, then also upload a shortened, looped, edit as well.

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    Just wanted to save the comments from the old versions:

    The first uploaded version (post #1776866):

    Riolu_Underwood said:
    Dat aaaaaasssss

    TheDarkness666 said:
    looking good and soft

    Crimson_Aurora said:
    For anyone dying to know, here's the full song:

    KatoriaTheRed said:
    With a video like'd make me want to see one of the Mane 6 playing Beat Saber like you see the people doing so on youtube. :P

    ilovefutaponies said:
    wiggle wiggle wiggle

    BusaRider said:
    God. Damn.

    Chief said:
    Quite hypnotic.

    dracotay said:
    post #413753
    can't believe one of these hasen't been posted yet

    Calculator said:
    The way the legs just ghost through each other though

    1Delta3Grim7 said:
    She walks to the beat.

    We beat to the walk.

    DracosBlackwing said:
    when clothes are literally so thin they're relegated to textures on the skin.

    Malikfoxen said:
    Theyre textures yeah but theyre more like... over the skin and not on it.

    delm0nte said:
    gee Brain, I wonder what that tastes like!

    mastax1234 said:
    Whats the name of this dope ass song?

    MonkeyBrony said:
    You can loose track of time watching this 0_0

    BusaRider said:
    That, my friend, is how THICCness works.

    USSLiberty said:
    imagine how fertile she must be

    RhannMarek said:
    I'd hit that.. hard!!

    BushyTailHugger said:
    I have to admit I was half-expecting "Hips Don't Lie" to be the background music.

    Zaleski said:
    What a great ass.

    And the looped version I uploaded (post #1839249):

    ThatDoggoLinkie said:
    Das a Gud Butt

    TheDarkness666 said:

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  • Xathier said:
    Maybe it's just me, but I see it as more of a squish-between-each-other deal moreso than clipping. Though I can definitely see what you mean!

    It's definitely clipping through. It's easy to miss, but when you watch carefully you see it just kind of snap through each other. It's something that can be fixed, but I do know it's not the easiest thing to make them squish and look nice.

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