gracylioness created by quotermain
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  • Comments
  • orcab said:


    I find it a bit silly that this comment was warned but not the one it is mentioning considering they are both saying a similar thing, it seems a bit odd.

    Millcore and their purity comment kink.

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  • sinfulphoenix said:
    I find it a bit silly that this comment was warned but not the one it is mentioning considering they are both saying a similar thing, it seems a bit odd.

    Millcore and their purity comment kink.

    1. We didn't have the feature to mark comments 3 years ago when the first was made
    2. Records can be decayed on request after 6 months given no further issues and 3 years is a wee bit longer than 6 months ago
    3. I'm not even the one who marked them for it so what's with the name drop?

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  • millcore said:
    1. We didn't have the feature to mark comments 3 years ago when the first was made
    2. Records can be decayed on request after 6 months given no further issues and 3 years is a wee bit longer than 6 months ago
    3. I'm not even the one who marked them for it so what's with the name drop?

    Ah alright I see, I was just saying because of what I say below the next section.

    As for what you said on 3.:
    Creator: Millcore
    It was their first warn and it says that you gave it? Lol

    Also, because you are infamous for banning and warning people for any slightly suggestive comment that involves themselves or showing a desire to be a character in the image on porn images, where it should be expected and simply ignored if you don't enjoy what they're saying. I personally don't see those as "creepy comments", honestly that rule is a bit goofy. On Derpibooru people leave sexual comments all the time and I never really see anyone warned there for their comments.

    Btw, it's cute that you probably downvoted my comment twice with your main and an alt as well, either that or another Admin tag-team downvoted with you, or you have a huge fan that follows you around where you comment lol.

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  • sinfulphoenix said:

    Oh I guess I did, my apologies, I didn't notice since it had been marked by someone else.
    If it wasn't me enforcing the rules it would be someone else taking the same actions, perhaps more harshly since if you've look at the history of moderation by looking at banned accounts over the last decade it has taken a bit of a "chill pill", and we aren't at the end of history yet.
    Well gee I wonder why that it is that you don't see that on derpibooru, could it be that they don't have rules against creepy comments but e621 does because users here asked for there to be a rule about it?

    I haven't downvoted anything here, nor has any other staff member voted here. Try to avoid assuming, you know what people say when people assume things.

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