adolf hitler and kirby (kirby (series) and etc) created by poppage
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"Uncle Adolf and Kirby

Happy Birthday, Mein Fuhrer!"

Based on this image

  • Comments
  • I just can't get over the fact that someone actually thought of AND decided to draw Hitler feeding Kirby whipped cream.

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  • Arc~ said:
    I just can't get over the fact that someone actually thought of AND decided to draw Hitler feeding Kirby whipped cream.

    With that quality it would fit right in on WikiHow.

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  • I'd like to think if Hitler had the opportunity to spritz whipped cream into Kirby's mouth, the world would be a different place . . .[puts Super Smash Brothers into time machine]

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  • Sethrow said:
    Are we talking about Hitler or the artist?

    Oh, uh, definitely Hitler in this case.
    Nothing extreme from the artist here. It's just a showcase of how Kirby could find his way into anyone's heart.

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  • Arc~ said:
    I just can't get over the fact that someone actually thought of AND decided to draw Hitler feeding Kirby whipped cream.

    I reckon it's a very unusual idea and it's unlikely it would ever come up. But honestly, once conceived, how could such a thing not be put on paper?

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  • umbrakinetic said:
    Dare I ask for the context?

    Austrian man fails art school, Austrian man moves to germany and becomes a politician, starts world war 2, everyone becomes not alive. The end.

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  • tuna123 said:
    oh... hitler is creaming in kirby's mouth... nothing's wrong here

    I didn't want to hear this. I never wanted to hear this. This has caused all the problems I will ever have starting from now

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  • umbrakinetic said:
    Dare I ask for the context?

    this was originally a stock photo of a man staring into the camera as here sprays whipped cream into another mans mouth, tbh the dudes face in the stock photo is way creepier than hitlers face

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  • The local dealer must be slanging some seriously laced shit to lead to a masterpiece of this caliber.

    Füher whipped cream with the pink sucky machine, aka Kirby.

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  • industrial47 said:
    How do I explain to people that I found this on a furry porn site?

    Asking for a friend.

    Because internet. Where else would you expect to find it?
    Google search linked you.
    Because E621 doesn't ONLY have porn on it.
    A friend sent you the link but didn't explain what was normally found on this website.

    And there's a list of excuses for you to choose from.

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    What the hell are you even talking about, like.. its just a damn photo... its not even as bad as most things on here
    Also its supposed to be humorous, hence the "Humor" tag

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed


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  • alexi_kuhnov said:
    What the hell are you even talking about, like.. its just a damn photo... its not even as bad as most things on here
    Also its supposed to be humorous, hence the "Humor" tag

    He's probably a redditor

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    sir have you heard of the
    blacklist button

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    I don't think you understood the joke, my friend.

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  • alexi_kuhnov said:
    What the hell are you even talking about, like.. its just a damn photo... its not even as bad as most things on here
    Also its supposed to be humorous, hence the "Humor" tag

    You have a solid point there.

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  • this post has to be the fire link shrine of e6 users, janitors, members, admins, please this has, got, to be the one post where anarchy can reign free

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    You're totally correct. I support hating Nazi 100%

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    I laughed a lot harder than perhaps I should have after seeing this. Hell I've been having a hard week but this made it better.

    I'll warn you now the internet is a scary place, I hope you never stumble onto the actual freaky shit out there.

    Hell this is now my new icon for the site, it's just too hard to not smile at the absurdity of this creation. XD

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  • The point is that only a man who can do good can make the world a cool thing. And for someone like Hitler, he has done lots of bad things and made the world a bad thing.

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  • crackerthrone said:
    The point is that only a man who can do good can make the world a cool thing. And for someone like Hitler, he has done lots of bad things and made the world a bad thing.

    What's bad about nature conservation?

    Updated by Cinder

    User was banned for the contents of this message.
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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    ENSERIO solo es una imagen tonto solo para hacer HUMOR
    Además YAY KIRBY

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  • The fuck am i looking at? Yes, its an "ART!!!" , but......i dont have any words to describe that.........(that's cute)

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  • one part of me is like “bro wtf” and the other part is laughing uncontrollably because “bro wtf”

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  • user-412 said:

    If you've made it this far, you've seen the comment.

    First off, we can all acknowledge the atrocities the Nazi's have done that still have effects to this day and still be able to laugh at the uni-balled psychopath.

    Secondly, nobody's gonna see this here and automatically hate furries. It's a meme picture on a fetish site. If they're here, they've already made up their minds.

    Thirdly, even if they did, this website also notoriously has a picture featuring a character getting violated by a cheese grater, and I'd argue it isn't even the worst picture here. This site accommodates all sorts weird, niche fetishes, so one random meme picture isn't going to chase anyone away. I mean, you're (probably) still here, right?

    And finally... Fuck you, mayo is the best condiment.

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  • horatio-mccallister said:
    I never thought that I'd find a picture on this site that would make me ask, "Why?".

    Because this is hilarious!
    Hitler feeding kirby some of his whipped cream.
    Raises a eyebrow


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  • zoinkgmd said:
    How would Hitler respond to this

    *Profound crying* there there, long lost testicle, I'll keep you safe, poor abandoned creature. Here, you'll need this cream later.

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  • I sometimes return to this post late in the eve. I don't understand what about the image attracts me... perhaps it's the adorable gumball next to the genocidal murderer. Perhaps it's the absurdity of such an image. Perhaps it's the fact such an image made it here, of all places. Whatever it is... it draws me here... and it is amazing.

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  • user-412 said:
    Hey guys, maybe DON'T insert Hitler into your kinky kirby fanart
    I know I'm a bit late to the party, but is just SOOO not okay. I've seen a lot of things on this website, but never have I seen NAZIS!!! Now for a few random thoughts:

    Oh My God
    What were you thinking
    Why does this exist
    If any non-fur ever found this they would understandably hate us all forever
    What are you, 12
    Oh My Fucking God
    Nazis are bad
    Hitler is even worse
    This is not a mood, any image with ADOLF HITLER is NOT a mood
    Is this real? how can this be real?

    This is not just controversial. Controversial is saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft, or enjoying mayonnaise with your food. This is insensitive. I know we all live in a fluffy world with OwOs and UwUs, where there is no genocide, or the horrors of war, or discrimination (I can't find another reason to explain this behavior,) but sometimes, we need to confront the horrors of reality, and not do anything that could even remotely support Nazism. Hitler was not playful. He was a killer, along with all his supporters. Anyways guys, I don't hold any real vendetta against you as long as your NOT A FUCKING NAZI. Sorry to anyone who came across this

    I hate how much dark stuff I had to bring into this, but you can't have Nazis without having the atrocities that come with. I hope you can find it in yourself to speak out when you have to, even if sometimes, its a comment on a furry porn website, on a post made 4 years ago. To be honest, I'm not mad, just disappointed

    Please shut up

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  • anythingforcomments said:
    Oh mein Gott, das ist so schön

    I speak a little German, but don't yell at me if I'm wrong, please, I think you said, "Oh my god, that is/was so...soon?" I suck at this. Nein! Nein! Nein! Nein! (No no no)

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  • Is this why Hitler started World War 2? Someone just took away his pet Kirby and no one wanted to admit they took it from him?

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  • Ironically Kirby canonically has the potential of bringing much more death and destruction than any dictators.

    Fortunately Kirby isn't real. Unfortunately the other did.

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  • saintrangerdanger said:
    Are we talking about Hitler or the artist?

    Both. Lets be clear here. There probably was already something wrong with him, but hid father severely beating him probably didn't help. Oh and the artist is fucked or something idk

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