dick and erik d'javel created by peritian
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Cats Love Water IV Page 5 is here!

Cats Love water will update 2 pages each time now!!!

you can support this comic trough my patreon and get psd files! I show each page process from rough sketch to finish, you can also obtain rewards!

Also you can read the comic and send asks at their Tumblr Until the rule of banning adult content starts on Dec 17th, after that I will be uploading all the content to my new website.

Of course I will still upload the pages here that you can read clicking on the gallery folder.
You can also check the news on my new Twitter Exclusively for the comic.

Remember if you wish to purchase chapter 1 (and first pages of chapter 2) full packs with psds and all you can do it trough my gumroad page.

  • Comments
  • I don't mean to split hairs, but isn't that a juice bar? Like, a business? Do people with juice bars usually just attack people that may be their clients?

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  • AdymTheLion said:
    I don't mean to split hairs, but isn't that a juice bar? Like, a business? Do people with juice bars usually just attack people that may be their clients?

    I'd like some juice after beating the shit outta somebody

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  • AdymTheLion said:
    I don't mean to split hairs, but isn't that a juice bar? Like, a business? Do people with juice bars usually just attack people that may be their clients?

    Illegal shit going on? Or they just know each other.

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