created by dobb
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  • Okay, that is an Army recruiting poster. It isn't specific to Nazi activities, it is just what you saw if you wanted to join the German army during the late 30s, early 40s.

    Also, Nazi furs state that they are interested purely in the historical significance of the German army of said period, and that they, as a group, in no way support racism or discrimination at all.

    Also, how can this "fucking disgust you" when I can guarantee that there are THOUSANDS of pictures of rape, murder and pedophilia on this site that don't share your same branding?

    So, by logic, I can either conclude that you are a horrible person who supports rape, murder and child molestation OR you're just an idiot.

    Anyways, very good art, props to the artist.

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  • AdymTheLion said:
    Okay, that is an Army recruiting poster. It isn't specific to Nazi activities, it is just what you saw if you wanted to join the German army during the late 30s, early 40s.

    Also, Nazi furs state that they are interested purely in the historical significance of the German army of said period, and that they, as a group, in no way support racism or discrimination at all.

    Also, how can this "fucking disgust you" when I can guarantee that there are THOUSANDS of pictures of rape, murder and pedophilia on this site that don't share your same branding?

    So, by logic, I can either conclude that you are a horrible person who supports rape, murder and child molestation OR you're just an idiot.

    Anyways, very good art, props to the artist.

    The fuck were you going on about?

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