pirate eagle created by torakuta
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Story by PirateEagle

Joel read the ticket in his hand out loud: "Get up close and personal with the world's rarest birds at Harry Bonne Aviary Gardens! Experience life as your own personal favourite bird in a way no other company will let you!"

He played with it in his fingers and looked ahead at the short line of people going before him, shuffling ever closer in the foyer of the bird centre. After a short check-in, every person walked into a side room with an attendee, then wasn't seen after. The ticket was incredibly expensive, but came highly recommended by a friend who went to a similar centre in Germany...according to him, every single type of bird there was ready for close viewing, even the most endangered species. Finally, after a half hour wait, Joel's turn came up, and he signed in with the receptionist tapping away at her computer.

"Uhh...Hello there miss! I'm...new here, to this experience I mean. I'm Joel, by the way, here for the 9:30 booking."

"Joel Forrest is that it? No problem, Sir. We just need your ticket, and which bird you'd like to be up close with."

Joel's mind fumbled a little. Naturally, he always loved macaws to the point he even carried a little charm on his necklace with one on it, but he also loved many other birds as well. Peregrine falcons, Philippine eagles, short-eared owls...he loved them all. And considering how much the ticket to the centre cost, he would have to pick a favourite fast. He said he loved red-and-green macaws, but also inquired as to what options there were, seeing as he struggled to decide just what he wanted to be around. But the receptionist giggled a little bit and said there was an option for the indecisive: A "playground" where many different varieties of bird hung out. Joel beamed at the thought, and picked that as his choice, and was lead into the room by a staff member.

The inside of the room was strangely medical, plated with sterile steel and with nothing but a strange chair in the middle of the room. It confused Joel for a little while. He asked where the birds were, when he was going to meet them, but the assistant said to simply lie down, close his eyes, and that he would meet them shortly, so he lied down and sat back, thinking about what his avian experience will be like. All those fascinating birds, fluffy pigeons, powerful birds of prey, and of course his beloved colourful macaws...he drifted off into a daydream for a short moment, before being sharply awoken by someone injecting something in his arm. He barely had time to react before he was drowsy again, with whatever they injected him with putting him quickly under a deep sleep as everything quickly went black.

Joel slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a cave-like room scattered with various feathers on the dirt ground, and groggily tried to use his arms to press himself up...but they felt strange. He couldn't feel his fingers, and his face felt unusually...long. He picked his hands to his face and immediately jumped back at what he saw...his hands looked like they had somehow turned into wings, and as he patted down his body he felt more avian features, a short beak, talons, he felt a rush of fear realising this...but it quickly turned into a joy within just a moment as he flapped his beautiful crimson wings around and squawked with happiness. Finally, his dream came true, something he thought about and fantasised about for years came true! He was about to set out of the cave to try out his new wings when another bird flew in, blocking the exit..it was a huge Philippine eagle, lurching towards Joel and smiling at him, tilting his head and circling the macaw inquisitively, To Joel's surprise, he could speak: "Lookie here, a new bird to the centre. You're a pretty little hen, aren't ya?" he teased, flirtatiously dragging his wing across the macaws feathers. Joel stood back a little bit, the pheagle was clearly friendly...a little too much so...but at least he didn't have any bad ideas. Or did he...

"U-uh, hello Mr Pheagle..." Joel stammered, trying to keep his eyes on the circling eagle. His heard was surging with excitement, but he felt it was due to his transformation than it was for the pheagle. "and, well, hah...I'm actually a man...or cock, or...whatever,,,". The eagle nuzzled his beak into Joel's deep red feathers and kept flirting with him: "You sure yer not a hen? You sure act like one, with those pretty dulled feathers of yours lifting about...you're just as pretty as one, anyway." he said. Joel felt a little receptive...though he just met the pheagle, he did have a lot of fantasies about mounting other birds as one himself...the idea was quite attractive now that he had the opportunity. "Do you do this to everyone you only just meet, Mr Pheagle?" Joel teased, flicking his tailfeathers at him and getting a little more exited as he did. "Only the cute ones..." the eagle replied "...besides, you won't believe 'ow many people want t' try it out as a feral, so it's up t' you, we can have a bit of fun before we get out there!"

Joel dipped his head a little bit in shyness, but the idea was arousing...he turned around and slowly lifted his tailfeathers up, exposing his cloacal vent to the pheagle and looking back as he loomed over head. He felt the pheagle's giant talon gently press him and his body into the ground, firmly keeping Joel's head in the dirt as he rested his rear weight onto the macaw's back. Accommodating the size difference, he moved his rear in at a side angle to reach Joel's vent, and the macaw quietly squawked as he felt something incredibly warm and wet press against his own vent, the pheagle's cloaca rubbed against Joel's slowly and sent gentle pulses of pleasure through his body that made him shiver in delight. "Oh my...that is s-so good already..." He whimpered out, relaxing his body more and letting the pheagle take him completely.

The eagle started humping at a fast pace, keeping his powerful talons gripped onto Joel's head as he smacked away. Joel shivered with each thrust the pheagle gave him, feeling his vent leak and hearing the wet slapping sounds of their mating surround them in the cave punctuated by Joel's slight squawking and the pheagle's deep grunts as they went further on for a few minutes. The pheagle stopped for a moment, pressing his behind tightly against Joel's and teasingly grinding his sticky rump into him, dipping his head down to whisper in Joel's ear: "You want that load in you, hen? Want me to finish breeding you?" he demanded. "Y-yes please...finish in me..." Joel begged, moving his rump with the pheagle's grinding and letting the pheagle press in a few more times to bring them both to a powerful climax.

The pheagle dismounted, wiping his cum-soaked crissum on Joel's tailfeathers before taking the foot off his head and playfully nibbling at Joel's head. The macaw was still too dazed to really notice it, the experience was so overwhelmingly amazing that he could only eek out a weak "thank you" before getting up and stumbling around a little bit. "Enjoyed yourself, pretty hen?" the pheagle said, nuzzling into the macaw's cheek "Y-yes sir, thank you Mr Pheagle..." Joel replied, as the eagle walked out to the exit of the cave and beckoned Joel with his wing.

"Now come on. We have lots of friends to meet in the playground..."

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