created by o-kemono


Most of the time, when one feels down and depressed, they also feel lonely and unwanted. They feel like the world is against them and that there is no reason why they should feel happy. The mind thinks too much of the bad stuff vs. the good. The body shuts down and goes weak. Hope is lost.

A simple hug from someone you love and trust is the best remedy for helping one's mood. Just the thought of someone taking their time and energy to help you feel better because they care about you is worth so much. You feel safe in the enclosed hug — their arms a shield that surrounds you from negative energy. The strength of their hug tells you how much they care about you. The positive emotional and mental energy vacates from their body and into you, helping to drown out the negative energy and thoughts within you.

To me, that is what a hug is and where it mostly comes in handy. You remind the person that you are there and that you are willing to protect them and help them get out of their state. It's not an automatic cure for depression, but it's a start and a wordless way to communicate that you are there for them and that you are willing to help them get out of their depressed state. You want to cheer them up. You want to share what positive energy and emotions you have with them. You are telling them that you are thinking about that person instead of yourself. You are telling that person that you love and respect them to the point where you are willing to share their pain and help fix it.

Hugs also work when one is not depressed. It's also a way to show how happy you are to see the person, putting a smile on their face.

These kinds of hugs only work if the person who is getting a hug knows, trusts. and feels comfortable around you. An unwanted hug from an unwanted person can have the opposite effect and would lead to more drama.

Share a hug. Make the one you love smile.

  • Comments
  • Unless a person doesn't like being touched. Be sure to know if the person would actually be okay with a hug before hugging them.

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  • SenorSnout said:
    Unless a person doesn't like being touched. Be sure to know if the person would actually be okay with a hug before hugging them.

    I think it's implied they are friends.

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