maid marian and robin hood (robin hood (disney) and etc) created by scissorsrunner
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  • Comments
  • This is good art; yet so many negative votes.
    It's rude to downvote just because you don't like transformation, there *is* a blacklist...

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  • Weird that this gets hit with so much downvote yah. I've seen much much weirder things get upvoted on here, and the quality of the art isn't even bad.

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  • personally, i rather enjoy human to anthro and gender transformation, and this is frankly very good. It's disappointing to see it get so many downvotes...

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  • cain-dreemurr said:
    Oh, and if he was so happy then this necklace made him brainwashing or he was gay with severe mental problems.

    or an mtf transsexual
    i don't know if irl mtf's who are not furries would mind being turned into an anthro as long as their sex was also changed

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  • cain-dreemurr said:
    okay, let's summarize, dude found a necklace that stuck to his neck and changed him into a fox, female fox, and he or now she just go spending some time with Robin, he is also in different universe... I would jump off a cliff in such a situation and aim my head at the ground, but if it does not bother him then OK ... Oh, and if he was so happy then this necklace made him brainwashing or he was gay with severe mental problems.

    That's just rude, just because he could've been gay doesn't mena he has mental problems

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  • Munkelzahn said:
    the downvotes are probably because of gender bending

    Nah, it's probably more the unexplained Time Traveling.... nerds are really picky about consistency and structure in their time traveling

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  • cain-dreemurr said:
    If the fact that he turned into a female fox made him happy, he probably has something wrong with his head, think about it for a moment, you were born as a human man and you are growing up all of your life like this and suddenly, a necklace changes your sex and race, if someone is happy because of it, it has mental problems.

    1. It's not mental if it's a fantasy
    2. I'm pretty sure he/she got brain washed :\

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  • Or maybe it was his ultimate dream to become Maid Marian, marry Robin Hood, and live happily ever after. Doesn't sound so bad that way.

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  • sengorn_leopardae said:
    This is good art; yet so many negative votes.
    It's rude to downvote just because you don't like transformation, there *is* a blacklist...

    yeah. Downvotes are for if the art is straight up bad

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