Value Shade attempt #1
So this is the results after first value shading attempt with help from a good friend of mine (Mangobird on FA).
So far I kinda like how this turned out, she taught me alot about value and some other tricks, I honestly couldn't have done this without help, but it's a good start!
Hope you guys like this cute art as much as I do <3
I need to practice more cheek squishes tho so this is definitely not the last time! I find it super cute~
Memberlooks good for me ...he is sooo cute <3
MemberThis was supposed to be a patreon content only, but oh well.
I should've added my links on this picture too.
Glad you guys like it tho! <3
MemberOh, it wasnt marked as patreon only so i posted it, mb i can take it off if you want
MemberNow THIS, is what I call a 'Cheeky Grin'!
:: Saves-an'-Faves ::
MemberIs okay, just ask me next time you upload stuff from my patreon which isn't uploaded anywhere else on my FA's/Twitter ^^
BlockedSir, your focks looks like an ottah. ๐
MemberDon't understand why he deserves any downvotes, he was just asking leto if he wanted it to be taken down.
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