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  • Comments
  • While not the fanciest of animations, this one is now one of my top tens. I look forward to more, if you plan to do one with the mother or mother and daughter both.

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  • What's with this artists videos?
    Their derpibooru uploads are always extremely compressed to point where even colors flicker, but only other source being pornhub means you would need to have subscription to access 1080p version.

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  • DracosBlackwing said:
    Started to watch this, wondering what was gonna happen, then 'daughter' shows up to suck 'daddy's' dick again and uuugghh...

    How did this slip under my cub blacklisting?

    You could try father and daughter or incest?

    I'm not exactly sure what part it is that you don't like.

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  • VictorSchlacker said:
    You could try father and daughter or incest?

    I'm not exactly sure what part it is that you don't like.

    its the cub part they dont like. pretty obvious as they even state so. some people are not into cub, some only want that and then some, like me, just block it out to fap. porn is porn, reality is reality. the moment people start mixing these up is when shit can go down

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  • Wow. I'm normally not a fan of MLP/MLP-esque stuff, but this I actually enjoyed. Well done to the artist!

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  • mathpro888 said:
    its the cub part they dont like. pretty obvious as they even state so. some people are not into cub, some only want that and then some, like me, just block it out to fap. porn is porn, reality is reality. the moment people start mixing these up is when shit can go down

    I'll play devil's advocate and argue that she could technically be late-teens or even early adulthood.

    But hey, I totally get the whole "no loli" thing. For me the cutoff age is 17 (age of consent here in the states). Any younger than that and it's a nope from me.

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  • AnEndlessNight said:
    But hey, I totally get the whole "no loli" thing. For me the cutoff age is 17 (age of consent here in the states). Any younger than that and it's a nope from me.

    Most States have an age of 16 for consent, some have it set to 17, and some have it at 18.

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  • AnEndlessNight said:
    I'll play devil's advocate and argue that she could technically be late-teens or even early adulthood.

    But hey, I totally get the whole "no loli" thing. For me the cutoff age is 17 (age of consent here in the states). Any younger than that and it's a nope from me.

    Dunnno said:
    Most States have an age of 16 for consent, some have it set to 17, and some have it at 18.

    Here in Germany it's 14 as along as the other person isn't over 21.

    My 2 cents: As long as the behavoiur in the picture/comic shows that the young one totally knows what's up (Slutty behaviour, etc.) it's ok for me

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  • Mairo said:
    What's with this artists videos?
    Their derpibooru uploads are always extremely compressed to point where even colors flicker, but only other source being pornhub means you would need to have subscription to access 1080p version.

    You have to click the image on Derpibooru or else you're just seeing the preview size. Same goes for webms. If you click on it once it should show you the full-size, uncompressed media.

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  • coolycool909 said:
    You have to click the image on Derpibooru or else you're just seeing the preview size. Same goes for webms. If you click on it once it should show you the full-size, uncompressed media.

    But that's the problem, this is exactly how the best variation looks at derpibooru as well, it's already really compressed by artist and I have no idea why, when pornhub version looks just fine!

    AND NOBODY ELSE SEEMS TO NOTICE! Even when it's that absurdly obvious!

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  • holy shit...coming from this artist this is one of his best animations ever, not saying top but its one of them. it really hit the nail on the head for me.

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  • What's the track playing? I poked around the source links and didn't have any luck, apologies if I missed it somewhere.

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  • DracosBlackwing said:
    Started to watch this, wondering what was gonna happen, then 'daughter' shows up to suck 'daddy's' dick again and uuugghh...

    How did this slip under my cub blacklisting?

    I dunno, but your current avatar pic might shed some light into that...

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  • Phyrx said:
    What's the track playing? I poked around the source links and didn't have any luck, apologies if I missed it somewhere.

    Gimme More by Brittany Spears. I know this because this song was in GTA 5 and in an episode of CSI: Miami.

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  • Okay, long story.

    So upon starting this video I heard a Windows XP/Vista/7 startup sound in the background. As a computer geek myself I have many test/workbenches and WIP PCs around my house. The problem is while a few of my computers around here probably have Windows XP or 7, I work primarily with Linux-distros like Ubuntu. This and my distrust for Windows caused me to spend 30m looking around for any desktop that could have Windows installed that might of booted itself on or restarted on it's on. (Window's Automatic Updates or something) After not finding any I went back to my desk and pressed play again only to hear it again and instead of connecting the dots, I spent the last hour searching and checking every desktop, test/workbench, and mobile device (I like installing desktop OSes on Mobile Devices just for Experimenting) in my house. Again finding nothing, I returned to this video only to find that the sound I was looking for came from the beginning of this video. F*** you "Graphics 10".

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  • i just wanna point out that everyone wants a sequel, and if im given indication by the artist that theyre willing to revisit this for a sequel with the mom ill start saving money in hopes that i can pay for it

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  • Am I the only one who wants to see another video with them? Would love to see the Dad go further with her.. Would also love to see some Mom and Daughter fun as well. Great Video and Art.

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  • Was all that art in the gallery fabricated specifically for this video? (I ask because the tags just say 'fan character' and there are no leads to anything with these seemingly long running characters) if they are fabrications then it is very impressive that you managed to simulate many artist styles

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