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  • u_wnt_sum_yiff said:
    Love the expression, the fluffy hair and tail. The cock looks so flawless, and the balls have that nice tuft on them.

    Personally would like to see more canine cocks on anthro characters tho.

    Awesome work again chunie. I don't know what it is about your art that makes it so incredibly hot, but it's always an insta-fav!

    You say this like dog dick is neither overly common or gross.

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  • u_wnt_sum_yiff said:
    You clearly don't have any idea of what we're talking about. When have i said that i want to have sex with an actual animal? I'm almost offended.

    It doesn't instantly make me a zoophile if i like art which has an ANTHRO CHARACTER with a canine penis. I would NEVER have sex with a real animal.

    If you too can't handle opinions about porn, please get on e926 for a SFW experince

    I wish people would understand thats why they don't put REAL LIFE porn on this site, because they don't want zoophiles here to begin with. If you were a zoophile you probably wouldn't be here anyways, knowing this site doesn't allow that kind of stuff. This is FICTIONAL FURRY PORN we are talking about here anyways.

    It's like saying i'm going to shoot up a school because I like guns and violent video games. I KNOW MY BOUNDARIES, as well as this person. Just because he prefers to see canine cocks on ANTHRO CHARACTERS does not mean he will "fuck an animal" like the people outside our fandom think.

    All I see here is a person clearly liking this artists work, and expressing their opinion on what they'd like to see. I support you whole heartedly dude.

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  • Cerupine said:
    because the fandom has just that many zoophiles.

    How are you any less of a zoophile than any of the rest of us just because you don't like a certain kind of cock in your fictional porn? I'm sure if I saw what you were saying or looking at or whatever, I could say the same thing to you.

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