xyk created by dingbat

"Pope Yote" by Dingbat

[Original artwork by dingbat]

Surely, a papal coyote would unquestionably signal the End Times. Or, perhaps merely the Times of Lots of Crimson Lightning but Really Not Much Else. Are those pineapples raining from the sky? Well, then.

Here to celebrate Xyk’s coronation are a number of friends from the fandom, including mongooseink, balto, dreamkeepers, marymouse, jaggers, buckhopper, and of course dingbat. Clearly, they are all impressed with Xyk’s new thunder hat. Probably hoping to book him for birthday parties, raves, etc.

(Oh, and nothing like being topical, eh? )

Thank you, Dingbat!

Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5935844

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