nintendo and etc created by unknown artist
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  • Lang_Ninetails said:
    O.O ITS MISTER POPO AS A POKEMON!... shit its the pecking order we are all dead!!

    Oh god....I knew I've seen that look before....AAAAHHHH RUN!

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  • *Screen of White getting curb stomped by the elite four as Bianca and a wild Audino watch from the sidelines*
    Bianca: "It's terrible!"
    Audino: "We can't do anything about it. It's too much for her, but I'm sure she's prepared."
    Bianca: "She can't handle this. I just can't just stand here and watch."
    *Screen of White and her pokemon, screaming something unheard to Bianca*
    Audino: "It's over once you give up."
    Bianca: "..."
    Audino: "But you can change your destiny."
    Bianca: "...!!"
    Audino: "Unavoidable greif and destruction. You can change it all. You possess the power to do it."
    *Bianca comes forward, tentatively*
    Bianca: "Really?"
    *Shot of Whitney and her last pokemon being knocked off the edge of the platform and falling*
    Bianca: "Can someone like me really make a difference? Can I avoid this outcome?"
    Audino: "Of course. If you want please capture me...and be come a Pokemon Master."

    And then White started her game over again. Please someone tell me they get this reference. It took forever to find the lines to quote.

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  • ranokii said:
    Please someone tell me they get this reference. It took forever to find the lines to quote.

    May be late but I got it

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