nintendo and etc created by tarka (artist)
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  • when 2 people love each other very much but much that they love more than usual and end up loving each other to love each other twice as much as they love

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  • Well a yiff is a um.. uuuuuuuuuuuuh... its.. its... DAMN IT!
    Guys help me explain this in the cleanest of ways before we mess up his/hers (IDK the gender) life.

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  • DexterMemes said:
    Well a yiff is a um.. uuuuuuuuuuuuh... its.. its... DAMN IT!
    Guys help me explain this in the cleanest of ways before we mess up his/hers (IDK the gender) life.

    First of all it. Second of all Lucario is a yiff itself, story done.

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  • fapmaster said:

    when 2 people love each other very much but much that they love more than usual and end up loving each other to love each other twice as much as they love

    Has you really been far even as decided to use even go want to look more like?

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  • p0k3f4n said:
    Check the child post, he's already learned.

    So what has happened to this post? I cannot find it even on the tumblr... Such a shame too because I'd seen it before, and it's dead funny.

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  • fapmaster said:

    when 2 people love each other very much but much that they love more than usual and end up loving each other to love each other twice as much as they love

    That is so beautiful. You ought to be a poet. I mean it.

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  • Something... That will inevitably end the world as we know it, but keeps getting more and more adepts. There is no turning back now. Only one thing can save us all.

    Activate the Exterminatus.

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  • penguinfapper555 said:
    First of all it. Second of all Lucario is a yiff itself, story done.

    yes because nintendon knew exaclty what the were doing and wanted unholy amounts of porn of their characters made by degenerates.

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  • A simple ounce of curiosity that can turn into a debilitating addiction. Not like I would know anything though, only weirdos would know that smh.

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