diamond (sega saturn and etc) created by kadath

Ask Puz n Pals #125

Originally I had her holding a Japanese Saturn, but I figured she'd just use an Action Replay cart to bypass region locking.

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  • Comments
  • Yeah i know how she feels. Sega was a better competitor than Microsoft ever was. The Sony/Sega/Nintendo rivalry was truly the golden age of gaming.

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  • "whats your favorite system, cause if its not Dreamcast then fuck off the edge of my dick"
    -british matt.

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  • tiamat5 said:
    Yeah i know how she feels. Sega was a better competitor than Microsoft ever was. The Sony/Sega/Nintendo rivalry was truly the golden age of gaming.

    Yeah, back when you didnt need to live next door to your country's internet HUB to actually own one. The games were better too.

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  • Day-1 Saturn owner here.

    It was terrible. Ridiculously terrible.

    Minnesota Fats got a lot of play, but that doesn't save the console itself from being really poorly designed.

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  • ghostdroid said:
    eh sony's ps2 was better

    ..Wrong Generation dude. Yeah, a PS4 is naturally going to be better than a PS2.

    On that subject though, I do the maligna towards the saturn was fairly deserved for one simple reason: It was awful to work on anything in 3D for it due to it's sprite restrictions. The 3D was drawn not with polygons but with distorted sprites, which means for all intents and purposes the Saturn/Sega 32X was just the Mode 7 from the super nintendo on super crack.

    This meant that polygon transparency doesn't work due to sprite line redrawing, which corrupts the transparency.
    Ergo, there's no fade in for polygons and because this is the PS1 generation of consoles, the draw distance sucks. The world would render ahead of you in real time and the pop in was so shitty looking that it could be literally sickening.

    On the Nintendo end of things they stuck with cartridges which were ass to write onto and hard to add updates to, because carts are expensive.

    Needless to say, the PS1 definitely won that generation.

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  • Di. Di. Imma let you know now. I'm a person that will play anything. Put a game in front of me, and I'll give it the "college try". Heck, I'll even give a shot at friggin' "E.T.", that dumpster fire of a game, if you have it.
    Btw, never got to play on Sega. First game experiences were Super Nintendo and PS2.

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