friendship is magic and etc created by anowia
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Pony's Creed: Bronyhood

What I think a Pony's Creed: Bronyhood assassin would look like if they were in the show. Entirely done in Photoshop, with some references from the show, especially for the specific details like the wings and tail.
Tried making it as detailed as possible, like the scar and chipped hoof (substitute for missing finger)

First rendition was a Rainbow Dash ([link])

I was inspired by a similar drawing that I saw a while ago, and I haven't been able to find it again. Please let me know if you have seen it, so I can credit.


Also, guess Who it is.


So I finally succumbed to the 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' phenomenon that has been terrorizing 4chan and making internet history.

For the uninformed, Lauren Faust produced a new take on My Little Pony, called Friendship Is Magic, being released on The Hub by Hasbro, and it has gained a large adult fanbase. It started as a meme on 4chan, and was sparked by trolls, but what they didn't expect was that the victims actually liked the show. Since, 4chan have had to limit the massive tidal wave of ponies, to prevent the boards from flooding. Several image boards have been dedicated to the show, and a large community have been build around them, with everything from chats and live streams to a great amount of high quality fan fiction and fan art.
The show really IS that good.
It's produced by :iconfyre-flye:, and airs on The Hub every Friday. She wanted to create a show that could be enjoyed by kids as well as adults. And she succeed - unlike the old MLP shows, this show is actually enjoyable. It has great plot lines and stories, some of the best animation and voice acting I've ever seen in an animated cartoon, and most importantly, it has likable characters. Instead of the sickly pink girl stereotype, that could easily have been replaced with bricks, FiM have characters that are very different and distinct from each other, and they're very entertaining. Anyone can relate to at least a couple of the main characters. It's writing at it's finest.
Oh, and the online viewer demographic? 18-35, Male. Lots of them.

If you're not convinced that you need to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, then go read the comments on the first Episode, and then watch it ([link]). It might not make you want to watch the rest of the show and commit to the fan base, but I guarantee it'll clear a lot of things up. Especially how 30 year old males can enjoy a show with a target audience of 5 year old girls.

  • Comments
  • Lamia said:
    Just as a reminder, the assassin's used to say, "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."

    Thank you, I actually was wandering about the bottom text.

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  • Lamia said:
    Just as a reminder, the assassin's used to say, "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."

    The alleged famous last words of Hassan-i Sabbah, the real life leader of the assassins, in fact.

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  • if there is no sadness and everything is friendship, then why assassinate? defeats the purpose in my view.

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  • Agumon said:
    if there is no sadness and everything is friendship, then why assassinate? defeats the purpose in my view.

    Friendship is worth assassination.

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  • MLP on E6 just needs to die... honestly.. its 15 minutes of fame came and went.. Ive watched the show: not my cup'o'tea, but theres really nothing special about the shows... bleh...

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  • Hungfox said:
    New Internet Rule: If it exists, Ponyfy it.


    U-genix said:
    The internet has no rules.

    Sure it doesn't... sure it doesn't...

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  • Hungfox said:
    New Internet Rule: If it exists, Ponyfy it.

    I support this rule as well. You should submit a bill to the wisard leader of the Internet XD. Seriously :/

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  • The title is kinda stupid and unimaginative.
    "Pony's Creed"? The creed of every pony out there? It fails to specify exactly who or what's creed this is.
    "Assassin's Steed" would be more fitting.

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  • Wolfboy1206 said:
    I support this rule as well. You should submit a bill to the wisard leader of the Internet XD. Seriously :/

    The WWWizard?

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  • Hungfox said:
    New Internet Rule: If it exists, Ponyfy it.

    rule 34.B If it exsists, there is a pony version of it. It was added a while back. *brohoof* Way to set the trend XD

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  • OpFor said:
    The alleged famous last words of Hassan-i Sabbah, the real life leader of the assassins, in fact.

    The more you know.

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  • Hungfox said:
    New Internet Rule: If it exists, Ponyfy it.


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  • cya159 said:

    JOIN. US. @__@

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  • I am just saying, The anatomy and where the hidden blades are looks like it would cause his joints to not bend, Could've moved them slightly down.

    BUT in a little wrapped up present this is really awesome. :3

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  • Zandolaf said:
    I am just saying, The anatomy and where the hidden blades are looks like it would cause his joints to not bend, Could've moved them slightly down.

    BUT in a little wrapped up present this is really awesome. :3

    shush with your realism... in furry universe, foxes dont have intestines... theyre just hollow flesh sacks that magicly live and keep form.... why cant ponies have joint-blocking weapons?

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  • Lamia said:
    You clearly fail at the internet... clearly.

    Emperor_E.K. said:
    Sure it doesn't... sure it doesn't...

    ...please be trolling.

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  • Shadow_Lord said:
    JOIN. US. @__@

    You see, this shit is why we hate you. Always with the "you will join us and like us no matter what" bull. It doesn't work like that. And you wonder why the main part of the internet hates you. This is why your trolled. Its all your own faults. Sorry to say, sad but true.

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  • WALTHERS14 said:
    I Detest, dear boy!

    cya159 said:

    At least you two get it. I expect my comments to be down voted, because baronies can't take the heat. Best of luck.

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  • Shadow_Lord said:
    JOIN. US. @__@

    'F off... stop "ponyfying" good things to shit... after all, this was a Fucking toddler/Kid show,emphasis on TODDLER/KID show, we're grown ups for Christ sakes... so stop shitting on everything that's left in the world without an mlp version...

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  • Naughty_Dog'92 said:
    'F off... stop "ponyfying" good things to shit... after all, this was a Fucking toddler/Kid show,emphasis on TODDLER/KID show, we're grown ups for Christ sakes... so stop shitting on everything that's left in the world without an mlp version...

    F off yourself. You an intollerant bigot. People have a right to like what they do. Seriously, you wount last long around here with an attitude like that, blacklist and stfu about pony Hate.

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  • Esme_Belles said:
    F off yourself. You an intollerant bigot. People have a right to like what they do. Seriously, you wount last long around here with an attitude like that, blacklist and stfu about pony Hate.

    Fuck off bastard because assassins creed is the best series in the world and it should be as it is and be turned to crap by ponyfying it, in conclusion I say NOTHING IS TRUE, EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED, VICTORIA AGLI AASSASSINI

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  • Therapetrainer said:

    Oh look. Another one. Blacklist is your best friend man. Use it. Also I'm not a bastard, and secondly you shouldn't have jumped into something you wernt part of.

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  • Esme_Belles said:
    Oh look. Another one. Blacklist is your best friend man. Use it. Also I'm not a bastard, and secondly you shouldn't have jumped into something you wernt part of.

    Calm down.

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  • Let's all just calm way down about this. Blacklist it and move on or die. It's not going anywhere and people have the right to enjoy it

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  • Naughty_Dog'92 said:
    'F off... stop "ponyfying" good things to shit... after all, this was a Fucking toddler/Kid show,emphasis on TODDLER/KID show, we're grown ups for Christ sakes... so stop shitting on everything that's left in the world without an mlp version...

    Aw, looks like someone's cranky; did you miss your nap-time? Maybe you're just hungry. Here, have a muffin. >:)

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  • Therapetrainer said:
    Fuck off bastard because assassins creed is the best series in the world and it should be as it is and be turned to crap by ponyfying it, in conclusion I say NOTHING IS TRUE, EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED, VICTORIA AGLI AASSASSINI

    Assassin's Creed, best series in the world?

    ...Aren't you a little young to be on e621?

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  • Rainbow_Dash said:
    Let's all just calm way down about this. Blacklist it and move on or die. It's not going anywhere and people have the right to enjoy it

    how about you die? and please take all those shitty ponies with you.

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  • This goes to everyone talking irregularities on this post: You know. There are thumbnails on e621 for a reason. That reason is for people like you all to not click on it if you don't like it. There is also a nice feature called Blacklisting. That feature helps you to not see stuff you don't like. So. If these two features exist; 1) Why did you click the thumbnail? 2) Why don't you blacklist My_Little_Pony? 3) Why do you go out of your way to comment on something you don't like? 4) Why is everything not friendship now?

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  • Lamia said:
    Just as a reminder, the assassin's used to say, "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."

    sums up the government

    wolfegalvin said:
    shush with your realism... in furry universe, foxes dont have intestines... theyre just hollow flesh sacks that magicly live and keep form.... why cant ponies have joint-blocking weapons?

    i dont agree with the fox part. EVERYTHING needs intestines, otherwise we wouldnt be able to crap

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  • Hungfox said:
    New Internet Rule: If it exists, Ponyfy it.

    Ugh, it's ideology like this that garners more and more hatred for Bronies.

    To be clear, I don't have issues with Bronies, but I also see how it is that they aren't helping themselves at all in the efforts of finding general acceptance.

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  • SentientMoon said:
    You see, this shit is why we hate you. Always with the "you will join us and like us no matter what" bull. It doesn't work like that. And you wonder why the main part of the internet hates you. This is why your trolled. Its all your own faults. Sorry to say, sad but true.

    I agree with you 100%. Do you think I like having to stare at Mario Bros. "ponified" everytime I log onto DA? Can you bronies leave everything alone? You don't see furries shitting up YOUR MLP show, do you? One hundred percent hate will come from this post, but I don't give a shit. Almost all of the comments will be from butthurt bronies preaching "love and tolerance". Seriously, am I supposed to be scared of My Little Pony? "We can make memes of them, but they can't make memes of us! That's mean!" -Rabid bronies

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  • LocketRauncher said:
    Ugh, it's ideology like this that garners more and more hatred for Bronies.

    To be clear, I don't have issues with Bronies, but I also see how it is that they aren't helping themselves at all in the efforts of finding general acceptance.

    This is coming from a longtime brony. We (most of the fandom) shun the annoying little shits that give us a bad name. Most of us keep to ourselves and quiet about it.

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  • MAGO5 said:
    The title is kinda stupid and unimaginative.
    "Pony's Creed"? The creed of every pony out there? It fails to specify exactly who or what's creed this is.
    "Assassin's Steed" would be more fitting.

    not to rain on your parade but that just sounds the horse you ride in the actual game

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  • wolfegalvin said:
    shush with your realism... in furry universe, foxes dont have intestines... theyre just hollow flesh sacks that magicly live and keep form.... why cant ponies have joint-blocking weapons?

    And there is magic to help with the hidden blades

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