lucy, mike, and paulo (bittersweet candy bowl) created by taeshi (artist)
  • Comments
  • trevorlanch said:
    Rules 1 + 2

    You do not talk about [X]
    You DO NOT talk about [X]!

    This is not /b/ and those only apply to raids.

    Newfags . . .

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  • CamKitty said:
    This is not /b/ and those only apply to raids.

    Newfags . . .

    Rules one and two originally came from fight club, but there was an irl pseudo-meme where you replace [X] with the object of your choosing.

    You are referring to rules 1 + 2 of the internet, which applies to everything, not just raids. If you tell your naive meme spouting cousin about /b/ you are breaking rules 1 + 2 and the August exception won't do a damn thing to prevent another fag from being a general asshat on 4chan.

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  • why do less then half of them bother to wear any clothing :l ?....

    frick man if i could sit butt naked in my school i might just have stayed :D .....

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  • iamli3 said:
    why do less then half of them bother to wear any clothing :l ?....

    frick man if i could sit butt naked in my school i might just have stayed :D .....

    Cause they are animals, and animals don't usually wear clothing.

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