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  • I seem to have have to have accidentally swallowed my ticket while devouring Dick Cheney. These assholes wouldn't help me out so I enacted on the behalf of karma. So.....could you reach in there and get my ticket young lady?

    Monster? Try hero.

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  • Chaosye said:

    No it's not. The monster is a messy eater. The rain is washing the blood from her umbrella. Were it raining blood, everything would be red.

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  • Hah. It looks like some reference to Totoro.

    Except he's a terrible monster whose going to help young girls learn the value of friendship and violence.


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  • wolfman28 said:

    Don't worry, the nightmares only last about a week or two. Just don't look at the picture again, or you'll have a relapse.

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  • wolfman28 said:


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  • There was a girl with a cat, she loved the cat more that anything in the world... so day the cat runs away and the little girl goes to a adventure to finds her kitty.
    after a long travel she founds her loving kitty, but it wasn’t more a precious cat, it has transform that eats humans of good heart. that cat tries to eat the girl, she cant defend herself, she loves that monstrous kitty, the monster cat goes for that delicious young fresh and... and ....
    in the last moment a brave man comes with a shotgun and receives the mortal bite for save that girl, in the last moments of his life, in middle of a horrible dead, he throws his shotgun to the girl , that is paralyzed by that terrible scene of what is now witness, she take that big gun from the floor and listen how this kitty, her only friend of her childhood eats a brave and innocent man alive... now its time to decide, its time to realize that she isn’t a little girl anymore and that anyone is going to save her... she has to realize that monstrosity aren’t more her friend... point the shotgun to her mascot, closed her eyes and pull the trigger...

    now there only left the rain and the bullets... no more friends, no more faith, no more innocence...

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  • Zombiesniper said:
    There was a girl with a cat, she loved the cat more that anything in the world... so day the cat runs away and the little girl goes to a adventure to finds her kitty.
    after a long travel she founds her loving kitty, but it wasn’t more a precious cat, it has transform that eats humans of good heart. that cat tries to eat the girl, she cant defend herself, she loves that monstrous kitty, the monster cat goes for that delicious young fresh and... and ....
    in the last moment a brave man comes with a shotgun and receives the mortal bite for save that girl, in the last moments of his life, in middle of a horrible dead, he throws his shotgun to the girl , that is paralyzed by that terrible scene of what is now witness, she take that big gun from the floor and listen how this kitty, her only friend of her childhood eats a brave and innocent man alive... now its time to decide, its time to realize that she isn’t a little girl anymore and that anyone is going to save her... she has to realize that monstrosity aren’t more her friend... point the shotgun to her mascot, closed her eyes and pull the trigger...

    now there only left the rain and the bullets... no more friends, no more faith, no more innocence...


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  • I'm not seeing the name of the movie this came from, it had like this catbus in it and was all nice and fluffy, but I just love this pic, and found it close to halloween too lol

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  • Oh c'mon maybe it was the opposite?

    That the cat(?) maybe ate the "evil" people who either have or had tried to rape/kill her and now erm.. Oh f-it.

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  • Avelore said:
    "Sorry little girl, no weapons or deformed, demonic creatures allowed on the bus."

    how would that thing fit on the bus anyway?

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  • I see the monster as an interpretation of the artists rage, and a representation of what it would cause were the artist to unleash it. And the sad/scared little girl represents how they would feel afterwards. Or maybe the artist feels like the little girl now. Like they are going to have to face a demon that is slowly ruining their own life and they're terrified by it.

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  • Sugi said:
    Ugh... not a good picture to see while sitting in bed at two in the morning. >.<

    well im ok with doing it

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  • i dont really know why people find this scary... its not really that horrific, is it? well i dont find it scary but i spose that is just my opinion anyway its very very well drawn well done whoever drew this

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  • Zombiesniper said:
    There was a girl with a cat, she loved the cat more that anything in the world... so day the cat runs away and the little girl goes to a adventure to finds her kitty.
    after a long travel she founds her loving kitty, but it wasn’t more a precious cat, it has transform that eats humans of good heart. that cat tries to eat the girl, she cant defend herself, she loves that monstrous kitty, the monster cat goes for that delicious young fresh and... and ....
    in the last moment a brave man comes with a shotgun and receives the mortal bite for save that girl, in the last moments of his life, in middle of a horrible dead, he throws his shotgun to the girl , that is paralyzed by that terrible scene of what is now witness, she take that big gun from the floor and listen how this kitty, her only friend of her childhood eats a brave and innocent man alive... now its time to decide, its time to realize that she isn’t a little girl anymore and that anyone is going to save her... she has to realize that monstrosity aren’t more her friend... point the shotgun to her mascot, closed her eyes and pull the trigger...

    now there only left the rain and the bullets... no more friends, no more faith, no more innocence...

    Dont know why you would get down voted.
    That was realy cool.

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  • Black24 said:
    I see the monster as an interpretation of the artists rage, and a representation of what it would cause were the artist to unleash it. And the sad/scared little girl represents how they would feel afterwards. Or maybe the artist feels like the little girl now. Like they are going to have to face a demon that is slowly ruining their own life and they're terrified by it.

    Or they just drew this because they thought it looked really f*cking cool. Which it does.

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