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Quote directly from the artist page

Seeing as how it's been many a year since the Softpaw Magazine stopped producing, and the contract I'd agreed to has long become null and void, I see no reason not to add this old comic of mine to the list of submissions here on Inkbunny. However, I do so not without reason.

As some may know, I've gotten a lot of feedback over the years from countless fans, asking for the continuation--and yes, there was always a part two planned--but for so long I kept putting it off. No more, I say! A lot of time may have passed, and the characters and their designs may have changed considerably during that period, but I've always intended to write and illustrate part two of Winter Fun, hereby coined as "Snow Trouble" (because I'm super lame and cliche).

The only issue I have is how to make it worth my while, since I plan to do nearly all the work myself, this time. It'll take a lot of time and effort, and contributions from the Inkbunny community and my fanbase would make the task a lot easier and more enjoyable for all. So sometime in the near future, I'd like to come up with a means to encourage donations on a per-page basis (as I've no idea how long I want this second part to be, yet).

Make no mistake, everyone will get to see this comic for free. I never have and never will paywall anyone for anything. I'll be working out the details, but in the meantime I'm going to focus on the script and panel layouts.

For this comic specifically, as always, credit goes to K, aka
for his inking and colouring of my original sketchwork, and
for inking and colouring the coverpage. Love you guys. ^_^

  • Comments
  • Alexandra Marimasi? huh. Two things. One, That is a gorgeous name, and two, dumb naïve me always thought you where a dude. "The more you know..."

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