judy hopps and nick wilde (i will survive slap and etc) created by borba
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Artist's original description (from deviantArt):
"'Life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes.'

This is a very critical moment in Judy and Nick's relationship. Will this unusual love withstand such a great ordeal?
And before I get slapped too, I must say I ship them.

Fifteen pages down, ten pages to go.

Zootopia and all related characters are © Disney
This comic is © William Borba"

Original tags:
#anthro #bunny #bunnygirl #disney #fox #furry #rabbit #screentones #shirt #shorts #tanktop #zootopia #nick_wilde #judy_hopps #blackandwhite #slapping

  • Comments
  • Judy: I don't want this baby because of my career.

    Nick: So you want to kill this baby because of your career

    Judy: *Slap* How dare you say that

    yeah, not really consistent there

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  • thisisalongname said:
    Judy: I don't want this baby because of my career.

    Nick: So you want to kill this baby because of your career

    Judy: *Slap* How dare you say that

    yeah, not really consistent there

    I think the point is that she never once said that she wanted to abort the child.

    It's more like she's in a bit of a hard spot at the moment. She's merely explained WHY she doesn't want the child as opposed to WHAT she actually wants to do about the fact she's pregnant.

    There's actually a fair amount of assumption going on, now that I think about it.

    Yes there's an obvious implication that could be assumed, however Judy is, I think, unsure of what to do. She came to Nick to ask him, and it kind of exploded.

    It takes a bit of backwards looking and some thinking to notice this, though. It's one of those 'in the heat of the moment' problems.

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  • Oh hell yeah!

    I gotta be honest here, if anyone here is with me, i always wanted to be one who would make something like this....alas. but it's okay!

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  • Yeeahhh… I think the relationship is over.
    And if it's not, I'd be REALLY interested to see how the artist will salvage it.

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  • Acolyte said:
    Yeeahhh… I think the relationship is over.
    And if it's not, I'd be REALLY interested to see how the artist will salvage it.

    I think she's afraid to be mother, that's its, personally think the career thing is just an excuse to say, I'm afraid of or for my child.

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  • This was a story in the comments from the web source not mine. I thought it was heart breaking but a sweet short fan story. Story by Megumisguy.

    The last thing Nick saw was Judy’s hand coming toward his face. Reflexively closed his eyes, felt the slap, and
    then felt himself falling. There was a crack and he felt no pain. He just faded away.
        Judy looked down at her fox. He wasn’t moving and she went to him. She knelt down and then saw the
    spreading blood. He wasn’t breathing! She fell on his chest and began to cry. Five minute the ZPD officers
    broke in. They recognized Judy immediately.
        “I just slapped him.”

         Six months later.
         “Will the defendant rise. Judith Laverne Wilde for the Murder of Officer Nicholas Piberius Wilde I sentence you
    to life imprisonment.”
         As they lead from the courtroom she noticed Catherine, Nick’s mother. Judy felt a chill as she looked in her green
    eyes. They looked so much like Nick’s. A month later she had their child. She only got to see him for a few minutes.
    He wasn’t a monster. Only a normal kit and then they took him from her. When the door opened Catherine was waiting
    and she took the child. Judy was glad for that at least.

         Forty years later she walked slowly out the prison gate and someone was waiting for her. He looked like a Fox, but
    he was different – long ears like a Rabbit, but with a fluffy tale of a Fox.
         She froze and only stared.
          “I’m Nicholas.”
        She started to fall to her knees, but strong hands caught her. She looked into green eyes and they were the same. Tears
    came and she was lifted.
        “Let’s go home mother.”

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  • yugijak said:
    I think the point is that she never once said that she wanted to abort the child.

    It's more like she's in a bit of a hard spot at the moment. She's merely explained WHY she doesn't want the child as opposed to WHAT she actually wants to do about the fact she's pregnant.

    There's actually a fair amount of assumption going on, now that I think about it.

    Yes there's an obvious implication that could be assumed, however Judy is, I think, unsure of what to do. She came to Nick to ask him, and it kind of exploded.

    It takes a bit of backwards looking and some thinking to notice this, though. It's one of those 'in the heat of the moment' problems.

    I think you're spot-on with that analysis - can't say I disagree at all.

    And I think it's consistent with Judy's character to say things and not realize the full meaning of her words, or what they might imply (even leaving aside the press conference, remember when she first talks to Nick outside of Jumbeaux's Cafe, and compliments Nick on being a "real articulate fella" - probably genuinely, although, of course, it comes off as incredibly condescending, which Nick, of course, sarcastically points out in his next line [and Judy, of course, doesn't seem to pick up on that]).

    All in all, I'm hoping for a happy ending, even if it seems unlikely at this point. I think best case scenario is this causes Nick to walk away (temporarily) to try and cool down, and then they try sitting down again and discussing the subject again, this time without emotions running so high (though I could imagine profuse apologies at some point in the future as well).

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  • anon115 said:
    It's only gonna get sadder isn't it? I don't want to read this anymore but for the hope of a happier ending I must.

    Well, the one thing I'm hoping for is that the old saying holds true: "It's always darkest just before the dawn".

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  • I'm not really sure who to side with here. To me, it seems like Judy's the one in the wrong. She's not even considering Nick's feelings or his perspective. He may not have been very nice about expressing his feelings here but in all honesty, in this situation, who would? Still, to slap him that hard over what is essentially a reaction to the emotional whiplash she just gave him. The woman has very little empathy for someone she's supposed to love...

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  • yugijak said:
    I think the point is that she never once said that she wanted to abort the child.

    In the back of my mind, through all the other drama, I too realized she never actually said "abortion."

    HOWEVER, telling a man who loves you deeply, a man who also thought he was deeply loved, that you don't want his child can be about as painful as a one-sided abortion decision.

    What women may not understand is that for men, REJECTION cuts deep into our sense of masculinity and manhood.

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  • I can't really get into this. I feel like they express too much with each expression, and the personalities of both of them differ too much from how they were in the movie.
    Imagine if Sir Patrick Stewart did these expressions like in his "Mild shock" video.

    Just going from a face of moderate concern; brows slightly furrowed, eyes wide, mouth slightly ajar, mild frown.

    To a face of shock and horror; inner brows raised fully, eyes fully open, eyes dilated, mouth moderately open, full frown.

    Then grief and shock; eyes shut tight, brow fully furrowed, tensed facial muscles, crinkled facial features, mouth taught against teeth.

    To lastly concern and fear; basically slightly less of the features from Shock and Horror, but with eyes seeking something.

    Now these ARE the appropriate expressions for the context, and the appropriate process they are supposed to go through. But the DEGREE of each expression is far too great between each other that it really throws off the process of the feelings they are supposed to convey.
    I mean, the degree of Shock and Horror is what you'd expect from from Nick finding the molested and mutilated corpses of his wife and 3 children. Utmost shock and horror upon first witnessing. Not from finding out your girlfriend doesn't want to have your baby yet.

    I haven't knocked up a girl yet(thank god), but if I learned she was preggers I'd be pretty overjoyed, and shocked if she said she didn't want it. But that's it.

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  • Acolyte said:
    In the back of my mind, through all the other drama, I too realized she never actually said "abortion."

    HOWEVER, telling a man who loves you deeply, a man who also thought he was deeply loved, that you don't want his child can be about as painful as a one-sided abortion decision.

    What women may not understand is that for men, REJECTION cuts deep into our sense of masculinity and manhood.

    I know that all too well...

    Perhaps the thing about guys is that, much like the dogs people sometimes compare them too, they may be simple but loyalty is what they value more than anything.

    Rejection cuts deep. No matter what it is. Or how many times it happens. It cuts deep. Every time.

    We attempt to defy the ties we create between each other, or often to various things around us, through claiming 'individuality' with whatever we choose.

    But, perhaps the bitter truth, is that individuality comes not from what you make yourself into, but how the way you shape yourself is used to affect others.

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  • Drumb said:

    some guy's story

    This was a story in the comments from the web source not mine. I thought it was heart breaking but a sweet short fan story. Story by Megumisguy.

    The last thing Nick saw was Judy’s hand coming toward his face. Reflexively closed his eyes, felt the slap, and
    then felt himself falling. There was a crack and he felt no pain. He just faded away.
        Judy looked down at her fox. He wasn’t moving and she went to him. She knelt down and then saw the
    spreading blood. He wasn’t breathing! She fell on his chest and began to cry. Five minute the ZPD officers
    broke in. They recognized Judy immediately.
        “I just slapped him.”

         Six months later.
         “Will the defendant rise. Judith Laverne Wilde for the Murder of Officer Nicholas Piberius Wilde I sentence you
    to life imprisonment.”
         As they lead from the courtroom she noticed Catherine, Nick’s mother. Judy felt a chill as she looked in her green
    eyes. They looked so much like Nick’s. A month later she had their child. She only got to see him for a few minutes.
    He wasn’t a monster. Only a normal kit and then they took him from her. When the door opened Catherine was waiting
    and she took the child. Judy was glad for that at least.

         Forty years later she walked slowly out the prison gate and someone was waiting for her. He looked like a Fox, but
    he was different – long ears like a Rabbit, but with a fluffy tale of a Fox.
         She froze and only stared.
          “I’m Nicholas.”
        She started to fall to her knees, but strong hands caught her. She looked into green eyes and they were the same. Tears
    came and she was lifted.
        “Let’s go home mother.”

    What? life for second degree? isn't that a little extreme?

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  • Varker said:
    What? life for second degree? isn't that a little extreme?

    Wouldn't even be second degree. A remotely competent defense attorney would shred any argument that death was the intended outcome of her actions. It was a slap across the face in the heat of the moment, even if they die no jury would find it reasonable to expect he would die from that.

    Battery sure. She might have a hard time pleading it down with the outcome being death, they might be reluctant to come down from the max sentence of that, but murder? That's the kinda stupid fantasy justification only a lazy writer would come up with for a cheap 'in the feels' shot with the ending. Or one painfully unaware of how the justice system works outside of TV.

    Drama is easy. Good drama is hard. Someone dying unnecessarily is a really lazy crutch to try and create drama. Very annoying trope in fanfiction and amateur writing.

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  • i know everyone is thinking of it even if they dont admit to it but I am Rick James bitch.... HAHA HAHA Nick Wilde what the paw say to the face..... SLAP!....

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  • Honestly, Nick could be the one to do the slapping, slapping some sense into Judy. Judy has no right to slap Nick, she has the right to remain silent and keeping the child.

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  • funnyman said:
    Honestly, Nick could be the one to do the slapping, slapping some sense into Judy. Judy has no right to slap Nick, she has the right to remain silent and keeping the child.

    Anything the funnyman says can be used against the funnyman in a court of public opinion.

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  • Acolyte said:
    In the back of my mind, through all the other drama, I too realized she never actually said "abortion."

    HOWEVER, telling a man who loves you deeply, a man who also thought he was deeply loved, that you don't want his child can be about as painful as a one-sided abortion decision.

    What women may not understand is that for men, REJECTION cuts deep into our sense of masculinity and manhood.

    while she never actually SAID the word abortion, look at how she was talking about it. "it isn't even a BABY yet!" her concerns about the baby being too big for her,her not wanting the baby, not wanting to put her body at risk and possibly lose her career. she might not have said abortion directly, but she sure danced around saying it, even though that is possibly what she is intending, she hasn't really suggested otherwise what she plans on doing. granted, her concerns for her health at the very least, are valid. but other than directly stating WHAT she plans on doing, if not abortion. there really isn't any other suggestions she could do if the medical issues are what scares her most.

    her career, at long as there were no serious complications from having the baby or from labor, there's no reason she can't go back to her job afterwards.

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  • funnyman said:
    Honestly, Nick could be the one to do the slapping, slapping some sense into Judy. Judy has no right to slap Nick, she has the right to remain silent and keeping the child.

    while you are right, judy had no right to slap nick, he DEFINITELY shouldn't be slapping her either. while what he said on the last page was harsh, it was the truth. she might not like hearing it, but, the truth hurts.

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  • naknaj said:
    while you are right, judy had no right to slap nick, he DEFINITELY shouldn't be slapping her either. while what he said on the last page was harsh, it was the truth. she might not like hearing it, but, the truth hurts.

    Nick did slap her, slapped her with the truth.

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  • Lance_Armstrong said:
    Anything the funnyman says can be used against the funnyman in a court of public opinion.

    If said court of pub-lick opinion give a fuck, which I see no fucks given.

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  • Meh.I know I'll catch hate for this but as far as I'm concerned,male or female,no matter how high emotions may run in an argument,the moment you place hands on your partner you are no longer worthy of their respect anymore.Bottom line.

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  • It's gone from happy to despaired to "HOLY SHIT! JUDY SLAPPED NICK!" Yup, its over. XP Does anyone recall that old Sonic comic issue with Sally slapping Sonic for not choosing her over fighting Eggman? Yeah, this comic has given us that deja vu. X/

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  • naknaj said:
    while she never actually SAID the word abortion, look at how she was talking about it. "it isn't even a BABY yet!" her concerns about the baby being too big for her,her not wanting the baby, not wanting to put her body at risk and possibly lose her career. she might not have said abortion directly, but she sure danced around saying it, even though that is possibly what she is intending, she hasn't really suggested otherwise what she plans on doing. granted, her concerns for her health at the very least, are valid. but other than directly stating WHAT she plans on doing, if not abortion. there really isn't any other suggestions she could do if the medical issues are what scares her most.

    her career, at long as there were no serious complications from having the baby or from labor, there's no reason she can't go back to her job afterwards.

    Yes, however she is an officer, so it's possible even if she does go back she'll be forced to a desk job.

    Again, this is just very shaky territory. Neither side is really thinking clearly at the moment. Since Judy is being vague Nick is kind of being forced to guess at what she means, which is creating a vicious cycle of assuming things back and forth.

    Keep in mind this is also the first time for either of them reaching the cusp of parenthood. They're in an extreme situation at the moment, and one that nothing could really have prepared them for it.

    Judy is trying to come clean about things, but since Nick is being protective, they're at odds with each other without actually knowing whether they're even needing to do so. It's jumping the gun.

    And Judy was kind of pushed into a corner she wasn't expecting.

    Bias said:
    Meh.I know I'll catch hate for this but as far as I'm concerned,male or female,no matter how high emotions may run in an argument,the moment you place hands on your partner you are no longer worthy of their respect anymore.Bottom line.

    I can see why you'd think that, but different strokes for different folks. Some people only know how to express themselves physically. Words fail them. So they have to find new ways to communicate, new ways to relate complex emotions and thoughts to people. Things they can't explain.

    People fight. People compete. It relieves tension, but when it gets out of hand it also creates problems. Relationships will always be dancing on a knife's edge, teetering, guessing where to step next. The only real question is, can you still trust them in the end?

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  • Bias said:
    Meh.I know I'll catch hate for this but as far as I'm concerned,male or female,no matter how high emotions may run in an argument,the moment you place hands on your partner you are no longer worthy of their respect anymore.Bottom line.

    Thats true.

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  • Sasparillafizz said:
    Wouldn't even be second degree. A remotely competent defense attorney would shred any argument that death was the intended outcome of her actions. It was a slap across the face in the heat of the moment, even if they die no jury would find it reasonable to expect he would die from that.

    Battery sure. She might have a hard time pleading it down with the outcome being death, they might be reluctant to come down from the max sentence of that, but murder? That's the kinda stupid fantasy justification only a lazy writer would come up with for a cheap 'in the feels' shot with the ending. Or one painfully unaware of how the justice system works outside of TV.

    Drama is easy. Good drama is hard. Someone dying unnecessarily is a really lazy crutch to try and create drama. Very annoying trope in fanfiction and amateur writing.

    Agreed. Also death by slap sounds just stupid....

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  • Also, she did say that she was very concerned about health issues from the pregnancy which VERRY STRONGLY suggests the intent of terminating the pregnancy. You're not discussing options like adoption when you bring that up.

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  • Tainted1 said:
    Also, she did say that she was very concerned about health issues from the pregnancy which VERRY STRONGLY suggests the intent of terminating the pregnancy. You're not discussing options like adoption when you bring that up.

    I actually would like to bring something up that I recently thought of.

    Perhaps her getting pregnant is bringing to life all of the things she didn't want to be in her mind. She spent a large amount of time growing up on a carrot farm, being consistently encouraged against her dream.

    She has fought tooth and nail for that dream, and given up a LOT in the process. It's what she lives for, and even when going through the movie Zootopia her dream continued to define her every decision. She even went back to the farm because she believed she did wrong and violated the exact principles she'd built her entire life around.

    Now she's being faced with something that could change her life in a thousand unknown ways. She is being faced with doubts and possibilities she'd either put off or not considered for what might have been years.

    I think she's terrified. I think she's angry at Nick for implying something she didn't intend to imply. I think that she's in immense emotional/mental pressure, which if we go by the movie has NEVER really been her strong point, and is saying merely what's on her mind without actually taking the time to think over how she's saying it.

    Now Nick, her most important pillar of strength, is in her eyes at least going off in a direction she didn't intend this to go down. He's accusing her of things and rather than seeming sympathetic is chewing her out for trying to come clean about her fears and doubts.

    I don't think it's that she doesn't want the child. I think she's afraid of turning into her mother. She feels the need to be strong and independent. She actively fights for her dreams and goals because they are how she defines who she is. All she knows is how to be a cop and how to protect people. How to react to convicts on the fly and quickly think her way out of deadly situations on the spot.

    But she can't do any of that here. Every single thing she has done or learned is worthless to her right now. She's afraid of becoming complacent, of setting aside her own dreams for the sake of a newborn child that, if we're being honest here, might not even survive childbirth. There is serious risk for physical damage on both sides, and even if the child IS born healthy and doesn't develop any biological complications, I think Judy believes she could be both a mother and a cop.

    The way she grew up, being a cop and being like her family were polar opposites. She was an oddity, she didn't want to be like she was being raised to be. Now something comes along that threatens to make her into what she didn't want to be. She feels like she's being forced to go down a road she doesn't want to go down, and Nick, the person she expected to feel sympathetic and help her, seems in her eyes to instead want to drag her down that path himself.

    I'll admit...having thought about this I can understand her outburst a bit, and I'd be kind of terrified myself.

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  • As stated previously...if she had any misgivings about a kid she should have either used protection, or not fucked the fox in the first place. Her own irresponsibly (as well as Nick's of course) should not be "taken out" on an unborn child. Rape is about the only exception I personally believe in having such a choice. If not that, then adoption exists for a reason.

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  • DreadArkive said:
    As stated previously...if she had any misgivings about a kid she should have either used protection, or not fucked the fox in the first place. Her own irresponsibly (as well as Nick's of course) should not be "taken out" on an unborn child. Rape is about the only exception I personally believe in having such a choice. If not that, then adoption exists for a reason.

    Well, they clearly weren't aware they were even compatible to begin with, so irresponsible doesn't quite cut it.

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  • thisisalongname said:
    Judy: I don't want this baby because of my career.

    Nick: So you want to kill this baby because of your career

    Judy: *Slap* How dare you say that

    yeah, not really consistent there

    Probably because Nick's words of revelation were so direct and shocking to Judy, she got overboard in sensitivity and exerted her denial by slapping him.

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  • Force equals Mass times Acceleration.. Let's be honest here, how hard could she have really hit him? Bunnies aren't so big..

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  • I bet this was very emotional in the comic books that the artist hope they will take serious

    But now it’s a meme

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