alligator girl (tokyo gore police) created by jingaidaisuki
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  • Why is it with anime that every time I want to see something, it's blurred out... but when it is utter nightmare fuel, there is NO censorship?

    *eye bleach*

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  • kohne said:
    Why is it with anime that every time I want to see something, it's blurred out... but when it is utter nightmare fuel, there is NO censorship?

    *eye bleach*

    Well, there is only tecnically a mouth here. No censoring for mouths!

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  • HypnoBitch said:
    ... Gentlemen, I'm going in. If I don't come back, tell my non-existent wife I love her.

    I'm pretty sure I know how that is going to end. So I'll get started on that letter and then throw it away afterwards. XD

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  • donkat said:
    So.... i come back just.. Take a knife for kill u beacause OMG UR A MONSTER ! >___<

    wouldn't really work... would split into tendrills, draw you in and assimilate you, even bullets would prove inefective... fire is pretty good... but it still can put its self out...
    edit: IF this is the same type of parasite from the thing... or similar... since this one seems to be experimenting with its body, instead of just making it outright into most efficent killing weapon i would say that this is an sub-species of sort...

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  • Hey, wanna see me do the splits?
    But seriously why are her breasts stitched closed? Do they have mouths too but got in the way or something?

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