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  • All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

    Jeez you really hate them snowflakes XD

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  • Daneasaur said:
    All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

    Whenever I see some edgy or neon color bullshit I wanna call it out so bad.
    Thank you.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

    The maroon and red stripped fur...
    the piercings on his ear...
    the spiked collar around his tail... that a crossbone mark on his thigh?

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  • Don't quite see the problem here with the character... Why care about someone else's choice? Some people like having a character that is more than just bland two-tone every day things lol. If everyone went around with the same stereotypical orange, black, and white for Foxes, then guess what? No one would be capable of telling one fox character from another...

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  • Daneasaur said:
    All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

    I love you...
    You know, in God's way.

    HikariNoKitsune said:
    Don't quite see the problem here with the character... Why care about someone else's choice? Some people like having a character that is more than just bland two-tone every day things lol. If everyone went around with the same stereotypical orange, black, and white for Foxes, then guess what? No one would be capable of telling one fox character from another...

    But you can go overboard. This right here... This is so far overboard it has its own private island.

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  • HikariNoKitsune said:
    Don't quite see the problem here with the character... Why care about someone else's choice? Some people like having a character that is more than just bland two-tone every day things lol. If everyone went around with the same stereotypical orange, black, and white for Foxes, then guess what? No one would be capable of telling one fox character from another...

    Aksel said:
    But you can go overboard. This right here... This is so far overboard it has its own private island.

    Aye. I'm not saying "don't be unique", but be skillful about it. Like, maybe, just maybe, you're NOT a fox/wolf but some other less used canid. Maybe you just have a piercing, a scar, a single individualistic detail in case someone else has one of the same said species.

    Maybe you're not the bastard child of Shadow and Litten, but are a feline with a single piercing or something to define you.

    In the long run, I'm saying that if you intend to have your character continually drawn, back off on the add on details.

    Keep in mind, said character up there was drawn over for EACH FRAME OF THE ANIMATION. I can't imagine this was worth the amount of money it cost to be made.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

    allkiko1 said:
    Whenever I see some edgy or neon color bullshit I wanna call it out so bad.
    Thank you.

    proof that the furry community is not devoid of sanity

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  • Daneasaur said:
    All is good until 0:21 where suddenly Xx_haxxlittenisedgyn00bs_xX enters the game, at which point he teamkills the boner.

    Kudos to the animator for not dying laughing at his looks or for going insane with having to remember all of his snowflake details per-frame.

    A hacker has entered the reproduction room escort everything to the upper body were going to remove the hack

    *Beep* hacker has spawned it's white code DO NOT let it reach the source

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  • I don't mind any colour combination, really. But when we come to the crossbone marking, or any marking of the like... Like please stop. This is not MLP, stop with the edgy cutiemarks.

    And having what I cna only describe as warpaint, when the character or scene has nothing to do with war or battles etc., then please refrain.

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  • I would dare to say this is probably the best anination I've ever seen.
    This animation as a whole is just so sexy and I love every. single. thing. about it!

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  • nobody_cares said:
    I don't furry but this is very good

    I say this with no intentions of negative inclination, just out of curiosity. If you don't furry what events led you to creating an account on e621?

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