queen elizabeth ii (nintendo and etc) created by drew bemas

By Drew Bemas, ca. 2009 for the Fahrenheit 212 portfolio.

(Superior resolution to post #86367)

  • Comments
  • Genjar

    Former Staff

    SaltFest said:
    It's sad this is gonna get deleted for not furry content XD

    Better versions of old grandfathered posts are allowed. This has been on the site since 2010, and if we're keeping it, might as well keep the best version.

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  • SaltFest said:
    Wait, How wasn't it deleted? Not that there's anything wrong with this post XD

    Rules changed over the years. Generally, there's some leeway for more artistic works, as well.

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  • Genjar said:
    Better versions of old grandfathered posts are allowed. This has been on the site since 2010, and if we're keeping it, might as well keep the best version.

    Why? Actually only Furry pictures may be posted and some pictures will be deleted because of the rule. Even Furry Comics will be deleted if they already exist in English and the new one is in another language. What makes the rule for a meaning, if you now allow 29236 exceptions.

    German - Deutsch

    Wieso eigentlich? Eigentlich dürfen nur Furry Bilder gepostet werden und einige Bilder werden, wegen der Regel, gelöscht. Selbst Furry Comics werden wieder gelöscht, wenn der in Englischer Sprache schon vorhanden ist und der Neue in einer anderen Sprache ist. Was macht die Regel für ein Sinn, wenn man inzwischen 29236 Ausnahmen zulässt.

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  • PlüschTiger said:
    Even Furry Comics will be deleted if they already exist in English and the new one is in another language.

    The site is english, so I'm guessing english versions are considered supperior.

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  • PlüschTiger said:
    Why? Actually only Furry pictures may be posted and some pictures will be deleted because of the rule. Even Furry Comics will be deleted if they already exist in English and the new one is in another language. What makes the rule for a meaning, if you now allow 29236 exceptions.

    German - Deutsch

    Wieso eigentlich? Eigentlich dürfen nur Furry Bilder gepostet werden und einige Bilder werden, wegen der Regel, gelöscht. Selbst Furry Comics werden wieder gelöscht, wenn der in Englischer Sprache schon vorhanden ist und der Neue in einer anderen Sprache ist. Was macht die Regel für ein Sinn, wenn man inzwischen 29236 Ausnahmen zulässt.

    What are you talking about? It's human stuff that gets deleted, but only if it's new. Old human stuff that gets reuploaded in a higher resolution is what's getting allowed.

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  • Furrin_Gok said:
    What are you talking about? It's human stuff that gets deleted, but only if it's new. Old human stuff that gets reuploaded in a higher resolution is what's getting allowed.

    The old pictures are thus under stock protection. If you do not understand what I mean with the Furry Comics I'll tell you. Let's take the comic "Study Partners", language: English. If I would upload a translation in another language here, the comic would be deleted. Reason: It is already available in English.

    German - Deutsch

    Die Alten Bilder stehen also unter Bestandsschutz. Falls du nicht verstehst was ich mit den Furry Comics meine erkläre ich es dir. Nehmen wir den Comic "Study Partners", Sprache: Englisch. Würde ich eine Übersetzung in einer Anderen Sprache hier hochladen dann würde der Comic gelöscht. Grund: Er ist bereits in Englisch vorhanden.

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  • There should be a tag for

    "Why does this exist "

    Not exactly for reasons of eww that's discusting or

    But particularly confusion as to why one would draw said strange masterpiece/ abomination ..

    (Brandishes monocle)

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  • Here's to the ones that we got
    Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
    'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
    Of everything we've been through
    Toast to the ones here today
    Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
    'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
    And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

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  • yooxx said:
    Here's to the ones that we got
    Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
    'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
    Of everything we've been through
    Toast to the ones here today
    Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
    'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
    And the memories bring back, memories bring back you


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  • genjar said:
    Better versions of old grandfathered posts are allowed. This has been on the site since 2010, and if we're keeping it, might as well keep the best version.

    Still here.

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  • You people don’t understand. The reason this isn’t taken down, is because The Queen was a BEAST on the Wii.

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