nintendo and etc created by kikariz
  • Comments
  • The_Soldier said:
    "Wow" is a word, dude.

    I was saying wow to me being at a loss for words on the cuteness. Usually I can come up with a funny comment or something.

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  • has anyone noticed its size compared the the popcorn? thats rather small for a pokemon or rather big for a piece of popcorn...or both

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  • XeroWolf said:
    has anyone noticed its size compared the the popcorn? thats rather small for a pokemon or rather big for a piece of popcorn...or both

    *nerd on* Joltik's the smallest pokemon ever found in-game. *nerd off*

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  • THIS JUST IN: 23 year old male found unconscious overtop his labtop with this picture on his screen, subject awoke three days later saying "all I remember is loading the picture, saying d,aww, and then everything went black after I fell face-first into my keyboard" we will have more on this story in a while. In other news, wilfris Brenlys pancreas stops working

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  • When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was going to be an oversized penis. So glad to be disappointed.

    Side note: do not take this comment as a suggestion or as inspiration.

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  • Kikariz is such a wonderful artist. I'm not aware of why they decided to remove all their art from their galleries, but I appreciate sites like these that keep them up.

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  • Uncommondoor said:
    :3 Squee~!

    Pokespider is adorable.

    Joltic is actually a different arachnid, joltic, jol”tic” as in an actual tick, the arachnid that is spreading lime disease. Yeah, it’s cute, however joltic is a tick, it’s not a spider until it evolves into galvantula.

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  • TranusKol01 said:
    Joltic is actually a different arachnid, joltic, jol”tic” as in an actual tick, the arachnid that is spreading lime disease. Yeah, it’s cute, however joltic is a tick, it’s not a spider until it evolves into galvantula.

    You sound real fun at parties

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  • TranusKol01 said:
    Joltic is actually a different arachnid, joltic, jol”tic” as in an actual tick, the arachnid that is spreading lime disease. Yeah, it’s cute, however joltic is a tick, it’s not a spider until it evolves into galvantula.

    stop trying to fucking kill the cuteness dammit

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  • tranuskol01 said:
    Joltic is actually a different arachnid, joltic, jol”tic” as in an actual tick, the arachnid that is spreading lime disease. Yeah, it’s cute, however joltic is a tick, it’s not a spider until it evolves into galvantula.

    Joltic feeds off of static electricity, not blood. So shut up.

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  • crazyt said:
    Joltic feeds off of static electricity, not blood. So shut up.

    but it does still live like a tic in that regard, it just FUCKS the powerbill for how everlong the thing lingers.

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  • If a Joltic asks you if you got games on your phone throw double A batteries at it until it's satisfied with your offering. Any failure to do this task and your phone will lose 42.0% battery.

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  • temjin290 said:
    Would an infestation of Joltiks count more as a forced adoption?

    It ain't forced if I want them to live with me, no matter how high my electricity bill gets!!

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