furball created by furball
Children: 1 child (learn more) show »
  • Comments
  • untuned said:
    need that idiotic tail pussy thing removed, then it will be great.

    That's an iconic part of the character, though I could easily see why some people dislike it. It's eitherway a fairly easy edit to make, though. If you really want it gone for personal use then you'd go ahead and take care of it yourself.

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  • Dominass_Triton said:
    That's an iconic part of the character, though I could easily see why some people dislike it. It's eitherway a fairly easy edit to make, though. If you really want it gone for personal use then you'd go ahead and take care of it yourself.

    It's okay. Some people just can't break away from the vanilla. :f

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