nintendo and etc created by unknown artist

Category: Heel Pokemon
Type: Fire/Dark
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 183.0 lbs
Ability: Blaze

As its fighting spirit increases, the flames that Incineroar produces within its body burst from its navel and waistline. Since the flames somewhat resemble a championship belt, they’re known as its “flame belt,” and the Pokémon unleashes moves that use flames from it. In the heat of battle, Incineroar shows no concern for its opponents—and sometimes even launches attacks that strike the opposing Trainer! As a result, many tend to dislike this Pokémon and keep it at a distance.

If a crowd watching it battle is pumped up, Incineroar’s fighting spirit will burn brighter. But a lackluster crowd can make it lose focus or fight shoddily. When it receives the admiration of young Pokémon and children, it may keep up its cold attitude on the outside, but in its heart of hearts, Incineroar is immensely happy. It loses the desire to fight when faced with a Pokémon that’s clearly weak or injured, and it sometimes gets taken advantage of as a result.

Darkest Lariat is a Dark-type physical move that only Incineroar can learn, and it allows Incineroar to deal damage while ignoring the effects of any stat changes that the target might otherwise be affected by.

  • Comments
  • Omnomynous said:
    Man, this guy has a serious case of Yaoi Hands.

    That's actually what I love about him. His features are all so toonishly exaggerated, and toppled with that smug grin and "over the top" personality, he's like a 90s cartoon villain in the best way! XD

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  • GameManiac said:
    "Heel Pokémon".

    All of a sudden, I'm picturing Incineroar as Randy Orton, or any other WWE wrestler.

    I wonder if its Shiny colors'll make it look like a face? Kinda like Hawlucha's Shiny made it look like a heel.

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  • I don't know why the pokemon fans hated this final evolution for litten. Incineroar was the reason that made me want Litten as a starter pokemon. His desgin is so cool, and he's not even a fighting type. Or maybe I'm just into anthropromorphic pokemon. I don't know, but I feel more connected to them. For example, I find a garchomp cuter than an eevee because Garchomp has a body shape closer to that of a human.

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  • donggrant said:
    I don't know why the pokemon fans hated this final evolution for litten. Incineroar was the reason that made me want Litten as a starter pokemon. His desgin is so cool, and he's not even a fighting type. Or maybe I'm just into anthropromorphic pokemon. I don't know, but I feel more connected to them. For example, I find a garchomp cuter than an eevee because Garchomp has a body shape closer to that of a human.

    People hated it because it LOOKS like it could be a fighting type. Personally I don't care, but after Blaziken, Infernape, and Emboar, people are tired of Fire/Fighting starters. Now that its official typing is revealed, the hate might die down or get shifted to another Pokemon.

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  • donggrant said:
    I don't know why the pokemon fans hated this final evolution for litten. Incineroar was the reason that made me want Litten as a starter pokemon. His desgin is so cool, and he's not even a fighting type. Or maybe I'm just into anthropromorphic pokemon. I don't know, but I feel more connected to them. For example, I find a garchomp cuter than an eevee because Garchomp has a body shape closer to that of a human.

    Personally, I wanted something a bit more elegant-looking, like Delphox, not tough-looking like all the Fire starters before that, and my hate was from disappointment at not getting that.

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  • GameManiac said:
    "Heel Pokémon".

    All of a sudden, I'm picturing Incineroar as Randy Orton, or any other WWE wrestler.

    As I mentioned before, a heel is specifically a villainous wrestler. Randy Orton is indeed a heel. That doesn't make every wrestler on the TNA, CMLL, AAA, WWE, RoH, Chikara, or any other roster automatically just as much of a bastard.

    That's like saying that because basenji don't have a bark, no other dog or wolf barks.

    -Ky- said:
    Now that its official typing is revealed[...]

    The typing was known for a fair while courtesy of the leaks.

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  • Water fairy: Okay. That's interesting. Special move could be better.
    Ghost grass: Unique. And it's special move is quite Badass.

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  • JaceTheHybrid said:
    Water fairy: Okay. That's interesting. Special move could be better.
    Ghost grass: Unique. And it's special move is quite Badass.

    What do you mean "finally"? Delphox was Fire/Psychic. :/

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  • JaceTheHybrid said:
    People are still sick of them... just one change isn't enough.

    I understand that, I'm right there with them, I'm just saying you're talking like Game Freak hasn't addressed the issue at all.

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  • TheSilentObserver said:
    I understand that, I'm right there with them, I'm just saying you're talking like Game Freak hasn't addressed the issue at all.

    I can see where you're coming from in that regard, can't fault you there. But I'm fully aware that they have been trying.

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