amon (red lantern) created by alectorfencer and rukis

Red Lantern - page 6

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This is a collaborative comic between Rukis and Alectorfencer. Red Lantern will be premiering weekly right here on FA. The free version of the comic will tell the entire story. The eventual printed release will have extra content, and adult content.

This comic is rated R for adult language, adult situations, violence, and themes of war, prostitution, and slavery.

rukis is responsible for all writing, and character artwork/color
alectorfencer is responsible for all background elements, scenery, and landscapes

  • Comments
  • ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ said:
    why dont they upload ALL pages at ones ?
    why 1 every week >.>

    cause they haven't drawn them yet? duh...

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  • Red_Fire_Dragon said:
    It's called light effects

    I haven't heard of light effects causing a blue robe to turn entirely red in the span of a single page.

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  • showoffmob said:
    I haven't heard of light effects causing a blue robe to turn entirely red in the span of a single page.

    I have

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