Eight Months Ago an inexplicable phenomenon known as "The Unification" has brought a race of mystical anthropomorphic equines know as 'Equestrians' to the known world. The origin of these beings and the world they refer to as "Equestria" is unknown. What is known is that their views on relationships is...unique to say the least. Under the supervision of leaders of both civilizations they are living amongst humans and anthros in a designated areas known as "Equestrian Inclusion Zones". It was quickly revealed that Equestrians have a very casual approach on sex and nudity, something that has caused problems between the Equestrians and the Horny Police Department. Things seemed to have died down ever since the Royal Family publicly vowed to crack down on these acts of debauchery. However, the truth is that the Royal Family secretly endorses and engage in these acts. Today, within the Inclusion Zones, the Equestrians under the "Watchful Eyes" of the Royal Family continue their exploits with near impunity, which is especially true for Royal Family themselves.