Collection: Cheaters Get PUNISHED! by codyf0xx

Wolf O' Donnell challenges Peppy and Fox to a strip poker game while drunk in planned to win by cheating! Unbeknownst to him, starfox has a certain punishment towards cheaters ...

absurd_res alcohol bar beverage blush blush_lines bubble canid canine canis codyf0xx comic comic_panel container cup dialogue drinking_glass drunk drunk_bubble english_text fox fox_mccloud glass glass_container glass_cup hare hi_res lagomorph leporid male mammal nintendo peppy_hare poker poker_cards poker_chip poker_table pub shot_glass star_fox strip_poker substance_intoxication text wolf wolf_o'donnell
absurd_res alcohol balls bar beverage blush blush_lines bubble canid canine canis codyf0xx comic comic_panel container cup dialogue drinking_glass drugged drugging drunk drunk_bubble english_text falling_over fox fox_mccloud genitals glass glass_container glass_cup hare hi_res imminent_rape imminent_sex lagomorph leporid male mammal nintendo peppy_hare poker poker_cards poker_chip poker_table profanity pub shot_glass star_fox strip_poker substance_intoxication text wolf wolf_o'donnell
absurd_res after_rape after_sex alcohol animal_genitalia animal_penis bar beverage blush blush_lines bodily_fluids bubble canid canine canine_genitalia canine_penis canis codyf0xx comic comic_panel container crying cum cum_drip cum_in_ass cum_in_mouth cum_inside cum_on_face cum_on_penis cumshot cup dialogue drinking_glass dripping drunk drunk_bubble ejaculation english_text fellatio forced fox fox_mccloud genital_fluids genitals glass glass_container glass_cup hare hi_res lagomorph leporid male male/male mammal nintendo oral penile penis peppy_hare poker poker_cards poker_chip poker_table profanity pub rape rape_face sex shot_glass spitroast star_fox strip_poker substance_intoxication tears text wolf wolf_o'donnell
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