Series: The Sacred Text

A portion of the comic “The Wonderful Adventures of A Vvardenfell Argonian,” by the-minuscule-task.

2021 anthro arasha_(the-minuscule-task) argonian dialogue duo english_text felid feline female harps-upon-chords harps_(the-minuscule-task) hi_res khajiit male mammal microsoft monochrome scalie text the-minuscule-task the_elder_scrolls
2021 anthro argonian black_and_white black_hair comic crassius_curio dialogue digital_drawing_(artwork) digital_media_(artwork) duo english_text facial_hair goatee group hair handwritten_text harps-upon-chords harps_(the-minuscule-task) hi_res horn human line_art male mammal microsoft monochrome mustache scalie shaded shaded_line_art sketch speech_bubble text the-minuscule-task the_elder_scrolls yelling
2021 anthro arasha_(the-minuscule-task) argonian crassius_curio dialogue english_text felid feline female group harps-upon-chords harps_(the-minuscule-task) hi_res human khajiit male mammal microsoft monochrome scalie text the-minuscule-task the_elder_scrolls trio
2021 anthro argonian book butt clothed clothing crassius_curio dialogue digital_media_(artwork) dresser duo english_text furniture harps-upon-chords harps_(the-minuscule-task) hi_res horn human ignoring_another loose_feather male mammal microsoft monochrome offscreen_character quill scalie simple_background text the-minuscule-task the_elder_scrolls writing_text
2021 anthro arasha_(the-minuscule-task) argonian book butt crassius_curio dialogue digital_media_(artwork) disappointed english_text felid feline female fur group harps-upon-chords harps_(the-minuscule-task) hi_res horn human khajiit male mammal microsoft monochrome scalie simple_background text the-minuscule-task the_elder_scrolls trio warning
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