Series: Snafu Space [karmaax123]

Started a fun comic based on some Final Space characters. Kind of focused on a breaking point of Biskit and him getting some revenge in the way of kinky fun. Looking forward to see what happens.

anonymous_artist anthro avocato bed bedroom bodily_fluids clothing comic cover cover_art cover_page cum domestic_cat duo felid feline felis final_space furniture genital_fluids hi_res inside little_cato male mammal panties penetrable_sex_toy portal portal_fleshlight portal_panties sex_toy thinking_with_portals underwear ventrexian
angry anonymous_artist anthro avocato biskit_(final_space) comic disappointed domestic_cat english_text felid feline felis final_space gesture group happy hi_res high_five hopeful little_cato male mammal offering_to_help shut_down text trio ventrexian
annoyed anonymous_artist anthro avocato bed bedroom biskit_(final_space) comic domestic_cat duo english_text falling_on_all_fours felid feline felis final_space furniture gesture hand_gesture hi_res male mammal nudging one_eye_closed penetrable_sex_toy sex_toy teasing text tiger_tiger_(final_space) tired ventrexian wink
angry annoyed anonymous_artist anthro avocato bed biskit_(final_space) bulge clothing comic domestic_cat drugs duo english_text eyewear felid feline felis final_space furniture goggles hi_res locking_door male mammal muscular muscular_anthro muscular_male on_bed penetrable_sex_toy pill_bottle pill_on_hand pills portal_fleshlight profanity running sex_toy shirtless sitting sitting_on_bed teasing text thinking_with_portals tiger_tiger_(final_space) undressing undressing_self vent ventrexian viagra yelling yellow_eyes
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