Imagine, if you will, a dimension shaped by your very own emotions, thoughts and imagination. A world laden with our wildest dreams where the sky is merely the foundation, nothing is impossible, unless you decide to redefine nothing to whatever you prefer but I digress. Though we don’t remember it (or even seen it), we’ve been to this world and return to it whenever we rest our weary eyes, retreating into the deepest recesses of our mind. What is this place you ask? Why the dream of course!
The dream is infinite, older than the dawn of man, than the reign of dinosaurs, than the universe. The very fabric of our being influences this space and in turn we are shaped by it, our imagination, our travels within the dream. Maybe one night you decide to relive the first experience of a movie you really like, maybe to swim amongst the stars, how about visiting another’s dream? We are all connected in the dream realm after all.
Once awake, you will forget all about your adventures, your experiences kept inside your subconscious. They shall be imparted back to you upon returning to the dream, flooding you with infinite ideas for finite sessions. One must exercise caution, however, horrifying anomalies populate this reality, plaguing the minds of many and causing distress.
Once functional and stable dreams, Nightmares prowl the deepest, darkest recesses of the mind and attack one’s subconscious in order to feast on the dreams of others.
There lies one such entity, lurking in the shadows of our imagination and feeding on the pleasure of others. Not much is known of this wraith but one thing is sure, it’s peeling its way into our very minds. A formidable fiend. It is lurking in the shades, biding the time to surface and carry out its mission. A clever dream feaster, pursues its function with dogmatic doggedness. The disease grows even now, our imagination, thoughts give it power!
As we read this description-this very text, we are feeding it. A dream needs believers to continue existing, our beliefs cannot last if there is no one to believe in it and the more complex it is the more it will need. Perhaps the Nightmare is making this post to amass a following, a gospel of potential followers?
The emotionless apparition has already stuck its fangs into your mind. Pray it does not get a hold of you in your sleep because if it does it’ll clamp down hard and won’t let go. It’ll take you, me, humanity kicking and screaming into the orgasmic void of madness. Can it be that perhaps we’re in a dream and not notice it?
God help us all…
I have to say, writing for characters AND worldbuilding is so hard. I can only hope it isn't too wordy!
Gonna finally start posting what I have for the new OC! Gonna paste a batch of some pieces like this shortly, just gotta reformat the writing so it's not one big block of text. Let me know what you think in the comments below, can't wait to hear what you guys think!