Hey guys, did you know that in terms of responsible monster ownership, Khezu is the most aprropiated pet for humans?
Not only they have a flabby, rubbery hide, which is easy to keep clean, many of their blood vessels and veins can be seen through their pale skin, which its pretty cool if you ask me.
Not enough space in your house? Worry not! Their tail features a specialized orifice which helps them cling onto your ceiling.
Tired of being scratched by your Palico? Khezu feet lack claws and instead have suction pad-like toes to assist them in climbing and hanging saving you more room space.
Oh no! You don't have enough time to take your Palamute to a walk, is even COVID-19 messing with you? Don't fucking worry, Khezu spends most of their lives in the dark, their eyes have regressed greatly so you don't even have to worry about privacy.
Khezu even have a superb sense of smell, they can help you to find the best ingredients for your cooking. A layer of fat helps to keep them warm and prolong the time they can spend hunting for food.
You don't have to worry about not having enough Khezu or about finding the right partner for your Khezu pet, just have two of them and in a couple of month you will have your own Khezu army!
To reproduce they paralyze a creature and inject their young, known as Whelps. The Whelps grow inside their victim until it dies, or when they are strong enough to leave.