Topic: Random picture selection game.

Posted under Off Topic

Based on the post that I just commented on I figured this might be a fun game for us all to use to distract us from our boring pointless lives.

Step 1)
Go to:

Step 2)

Enter the number: 646263
as the max number
And 1 as the min number

Step 3)
Take your average e6 link:

And take away the last few numbers

Now paste in the number you get from the site:
(In this case I got: 617698)


post #617698

That's the randomly generated image I got!

Now as trivial as it is. I ask you to post which ones you got. And share if you like it or not, and why.

EDIT: And yes, I do like the randomly generated image I got.

Updated by Scakk

post #199138


+ good curves
+ neat background
- glass eyes
- hair too bright
- those nipples

Verdict: I can't fap to this.


Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
our boring pointless lives.

I'm happy you know how our life is :D


post #322130

This is the most awful picture I've ever seen. 0/10

Updated by anonymous

post #185634
+ not gross fetish porn
+ not gay male/male porn
- not good
- drawn with crayons
- not naked

Updated by anonymous

I like this idea. However, you can also use this link to get a random e621 post instead :P

post #256040

+ Competent artwork, good skill level
- Gross penis and balls
- - Which is also covered in a gross yellow substance
- Pokemon
- Untranslated non-english text
- Awkward blowjob
- I don't see tits

3/10 I've seen worse, but this ain't my bag.

Updated by anonymous

post #205037

+ shitty ass shit.
+ anus looks like the opening of an anthill
+ discount pokemon aka digimon
+ my penis is beyond fapping to this.

0/10 Would not fap.

Updated by anonymous

post #282738

+ art is alright
+ boobs
- jay naylor
- pee
- vibrator looks like a clothes peg

5/10 its okay i guess

Updated by anonymous

Tuvalu said:
- jay naylor

Man that means a 10/10 itself XD XD XD

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
Man that means a 10/10 itself XD XD XD

I just don't really like Jay Naylor's art. It's not bad art or anything, I just don't like it for some reason.

Updated by anonymous

Tuvalu said:
I just don't really like Jay Naylor's art. It's not bad art or anything, I just don't like it for some reason.

I know man. I hate him because of his fucking offensive comments in his comics.

Updated by anonymous

My review of the random feature on this site
+ Some good posts I never would have seen otherwise
- 3/4 results are pony
I rate 2.780/10

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
bull fucking shit...

I know huh?! I literally stared at my screen for a few seconds before bursting out laughing!

...I feel like buying a lottery ticket now.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
3. no one gets to post twice

Wtf are the chances of someone getting a post twice out of like 600,000+ images?

OKay lets make a deal.

If someone on this forum, posts an image. Then someone else comes along and posts the same one saying they got the same one. If both parties can prove they got their post number legitly, and can prove the numbers they got are not fake (Perhaps screen recording, or video of computer screen whal it generates a number)

Then those two parties should message me together, and because I will be so awestruck that they managed to get a 640,000+ in one chance to go through without cheating. I will work with them and make an entire fucking COMIC about whatever they want, no joke.

If two people on this forum get the same post and same number. And they can both PROVE they didn't cheat, I'll make them an entire comic series.

Updated by anonymous

post #328150

Edit: I was going to use "Preview" to comment beforehand but whatevs

+ Artwork is good in general
+ I like yellow eyes
+ Ketchup and mustard hairdo
+ I just faved it
- It's blacklisted for me (gore)

It's not so bad

Updated by anonymous

Cynosure said:
Wtf are the chances of someone getting a post twice out of like 600,000+ images?

I'll calculate that for you.

If (X) people participate:

(10): .0075%
(20): .0317%
(30): .0725%

Honestly I don't feel like going further than that because I'm lazy and I don't expect that many more people than that to participate.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Which is...huh, snake with about that.

I really, REALLY wish you didn't fix the link for me. I'm going to have weird dreams, now.
I gave it another go and apparently it didn't exist. I think I should give up now.

Updated by anonymous

post #21924


I dont think i like it, no.

Might be handy for some, but im not really into this kind of stuff.

Updated by anonymous

post #494433

It's competently drawn overall, and I do like rule 63...but I don't like Sombra, and I don't like the way the head is drawn (specifically the mouth 6.5/10

I hit random again (because I'm bored, that's why). More ponies.

post #313760

More ponies? Hm. It's very tiny. It's aiming for beetus-inducing sweetness, but it doesn't hit the mark for me. I think Fluttershy's animation is a bit better than Rainbow's, but I'm not a huge fan of either. And "pony in a box" is a tired concept. It's been a tired concept since basically the start of the G4 fandom. 3/10

Still bored.

post #335131

More ponies? This is rigged! I quit.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
More ponies? This is rigged! I quit.

Well I tried again to see if I'd get ponies and I wound up with the lowest number shown so far on this forum. 5298

post #5298

Updated by anonymous

post #99497



++ all_fours pose
+ excessive_cum
+ blushing
+ body size
+/- meh background
- blurry cum
- entire image could use a stage of refinement

Misc.: Score of 19 is pretty decent for a 4-year-old post.

Verdict: Thumbnail is more promising than the full image. I could fap to this between better images.

Updated by anonymous

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