Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause maybe I did get everything from we inspector, but maybe not...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I wonder how many banned users are lurking here right now in silence...

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause what got you wondering about that?

Banned cause eh. I guess I want the site to be better and well... I can't descride it.... might tag edit a bit to...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause great I got ANOTHER user trying to permban me for making a joke -_-

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
yeah so banned

Banned cause im in som mcuh pain rightr nnow I camt type

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause i'm not on drugs! >:|

banned cause life...IS A DRUG! Lolz

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I'd like to do that but meh...


Updated by anonymous

Banned cause aside from the situation on here I have a sore throat that if I drink even water it feels like fucking glass along with me during my "vacation" being sick with a fever and pretty much projectile vomiting the whole time in a state of lonelyness cause it kept me up till like 2:00am while my roommate was at his night schedule classes so pretty much feeling like I would die and no one might find me cause I am an antisocial band geek and it got me sads and I cried, vomited cried, passed out so yeah...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause not to mention I have had throbbing headaches so with pressure so bad during during wind ensemble I can barley play my Clarinet or my Tenpr Saxophone during marching band or barely foucus so I got whapped straight in the head by one of our Trombone players slide on a note on one set dangerously close to the Trombone players anyway no I has a bump and headache ;-;

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because thisforum.json

Banned cause created with Wii-U

[ { "id": 1, "title": "3DS - Hacking & Homebrew | -> The Independent Video Game Community: 3DS, Gateway 3DS, NDS and R4, Wii, PSP, PS4, Xbox One and all the gaming universe", "url": "", "inspectorUrl": "inspector.html?page=1" }, { "id": 2, "title": "Wii U - Hacking & Homebrew | -> The Independent Video Game Community: 3DS, Gateway 3DS, NDS and R4, Wii, PSP, PS4, Xbox One and all the gaming universe", "url": "", "inspectorUrl": "inspector.html?page=2" } ]

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause just

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause roommate off to work.... ronery again ;~;

banned cause just do what I do. Have a couple shots of Jagermeister and a good cry.

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause just banned cause just do what I do. Have a couple shots of Jagermeister and a good cry.

Banned cause i'm diabetic if I get drunk I have a high probability to go into shock and I could die but good crys I have on a daily basis I really miss my BF but skype does not let us cuddle or hug sorry for the wall texts i'm depressed...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'm disappearing untill like after midnight in adout a half hour I need to go act like a dragon, run, climb over rocks and up trees bring some frebreze cans and a lighter so I can pretend to breathe fire so...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause eechh.... nevermind XC I stood up and literally came within inches of both throwing up and got a nasty headrush

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause eechh.... nevermind XC I stood up and literally came within inches of both throwing up and got a nasty headrush

Banned cause eeps

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause I wanna cry ;~;

banned cause aww! Everything will be ok.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I can drool over this sexy beast to cheer myself up

post #417291

BDSM, uncut dick, scalie three of my favorite fetishes right there #^.^#

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause beat Blok Drop U completely now. :3 Can't wait till the update.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I feel a bit better have a stout beer and it take like 11 to get a buzz

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause...Jagermeister and loneliness my trusty companions :( Damn now I'm depressed.

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Jagermeister and loneliness my trusty companions :( Damn now I'm depressed.

Banned cause made me think of this look-alike of my BF

post #363284

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
banned cause post #422062

Banned 'cause finally a non-blacklisted image <3

I hate being the odd-one-out.

Updated by anonymous