Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Xch3l said:
Banned because is fun teasing people

ok... i'll agree with you there LOL banned for making me LOL

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause sun setting upon the horizon.

*sits down and cuddles* banned

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause over 9,000 penises.

Dikémon gotta suck em' all♪ banned for making me do an awful song pun >:|

Updated by anonymous

Banned because my favorite quote is the single one this one: '


Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I wouldn't mind doing that. '.'

*is dressed in a Garchomp outfit* teehee banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm considering doing naughty things to/with clarinetist...

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I'm considering doing naughty things to/with clarinetist...

Rewr... ;P banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I just realized how much I have to do before bed. :/ no time for snoosnoo. See y'all laters.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I just realized how much I have to do before bed. :/ no time for snoosnoo. See y'all laters.

Aw... banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause oh hey, another free dlc for Sonic Lost World, Legend of Zelda level...

Updated by anonymous

Jatix said:
No wonder with only two people here -.- .

Well than wanna have a party ♪?... no homo this time LOL banned

Updated by anonymous

Jatix said:
Good to know.

Seems like you get as scatterbrained as I am.


I fix'd so banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause no class tomorrow spiring break but have all day set aside for my BF we are going to be doing "Daw-worthy" stuff

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause BF fell asleep and the multi-colored sharpie highlighters I use for studying are literally right across from me and him on the couch right now LOL

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'd forgotten about those events I remember now logging on one day and saw the blips and I even remember what I posted that day it was"oh god what did I walk in on? its like Jersey Shore on the blips... o.O"

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause loading up 72 VW bus with surfboards and wetsuits off to go surfing in West Seattle with BF today

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
banned cause the songs in Frozen was awesome

Huh, just watched Frozen 3 days ago XD and I agree.


Updated by anonymous

Banned cause breezy day. Hair eternally in eyes.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm home from surfing for first time with BF when we put the surfboards in my VW bus they poked out of the back hatch in a rather iconic looking way...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause after we were done on the beach we walked to a nearby place and got ice cream LOL it was 57 degrees but we were wearing wetsuits but surfing in the drizzling rain and 57 degree weather... I am officially a west coast man

Updated by anonymous