Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Fluttershy said:
Banned cause well already tired, have a good catnap both of you :3

Good night z.z

Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I don't even know what the pork is that :I

But I like the one above me :3

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I don't even know what the pork is that :I

titmice hams, banned

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Bed time fur real now. Ban time too.

*crawls into bed with only skinny jeans on* banned

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I came

to ban people! :P

Banned cause my eyebrows started to raise off my head then
I noticed the spoiler and LOL'ed

Updated by anonymous

Banned because the avatar also fits to it! :P

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause good morning all. Blargh, getting outta bed involves getting dressed. Don't feel like doing that.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I don't always drink bottled tea, but when I do, I prefer AriZona.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause reading the info paperwork school district sent me involving floor plans of the schools disaplinary actions and emergancy procedures "if a student brings a bomb onto the campus" "if a student becomes at a level of excitment they forget to operate a door and ram into it and knock ones self out from excitemnt" WTF public school system??

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause some are actually pretty funny like the one that says "if a student gets irate and calls everyone a nimmy little shitsack"

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
If a student forgets to open a door. Rofl.

Banned cause invalid_ban_reason

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause invalid_ban_reason

Banned cause legasp!

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause no idea where the hell my e cig's gone to. Hopefully I didn't drop it like I think I did.

Updated by anonymous