Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Jatix said:
Nah, just don't give a fuck anymore.


Banned cause LOL when I played happy wheels for the first time I gasped in horror, terror and disgust, but I don't give a fuck anymore eaither

Updated by anonymous

banned cause I could not get into e621 for some time

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause and slow loading

post #454078

Banned cause okay sinfuldreams15 is definitely my 2nd fav artist now. <3

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause home. This 13 hour day bullshits gotta stop.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I have to use e926 search for myself in forums option on my account I still have an avatar yay!

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause my BF and I went to the gym he did some fight traning cause he does boxing I tried it thinking it was a good idea my bruzed battered and bloody face says otherwise -.-

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause my BF is fast asleep i'm on my laptop I need to be sleeping I have class tomorrow

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'm in the living room BF in bedroom sleeping I can't let my BF know i'm part dragon! my roomates asleep also in bedroom... the felt tip marker is calling my name

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
the felt tip marker is calling my name

Banned cause tee hee...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause sleep now for me hopefully I won't need to use e926 for acsess tomorrow theres nothing wrong with it its just a little back in time from what i'm used to

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause now got two of Wii-U bootroms. :3

boot0.bin (this one is especially interesting as it can load an encrypted/signed recovery image from SD card.)

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'm watching America's Funniest Home Videos with my BF typeing on a 3DS I LOL'ed so hard I farted on him... so he belched in my face

Updated by anonymous

#1 O.o #2 my BF made me dress like that before we took advantage of the viagra ice cream prank LOL

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause "you look hot" is what he said it was fun until my roomate walked in asking if I had seen his thumb drive and his reaction was OMFG WTF!?!??!!!! >:OOO

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'm taking my BF to dinner so gonna be gone for a little time later on

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause just got back from date with BF man the sunset on the oliympic moutains is beautiful Iove living in Washington

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
#1 O.o #2 my BF made me dress like that before we took advantage of the viagra ice cream prank LOL

No ban reason, so banned.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause updated.

AES_Decrypt: # (r3, r4, r5)
.set LR_old, 4
mfspr r0, LR # r0 = LR
stwu r1, -4(r1) # SP = SP-4
stw r0, 4+LR_old(r1) # *SP = r0
# AES code
lwz r0, 4+LR_old(r1) # r0 = *SP
addi r1, r1, 4 # SP = SP+4
mtspr LR, r0 # LR = r0
#stored in the data segment
.long AES_Decrypt

#stored in register
lis r0, AES_Decrypt@h
addi r0, r0, AES_Decrypt@l

Updated by anonymous