Banned because post #217601 doesn't deserve that number.
Updated by anonymous
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Banned because post #217601 doesn't deserve that number.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I never said I didn't say I didn't like it, I just said it wasn't awesome enough to share that number with me. :/
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not playing E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because how did you know I haven't played that?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because clearly I'm psychic. :I
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you're Fire/Fighting, you can't be Psychic too!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you didn't yell "KANEDA!" when I yelled "TETSUO!"
Updated by anonymous
Banned because what's so special about friday the thirteenth that isn't special about thursday the twelfth?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not knowing about paraskevidekatriaphobia
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a fucking ninja.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning a ninja that could have ninja'd me while I was ninja-ing this ninja ban. NINJA!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for summoning me by saying the word 'ninja' too many times.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ninjas are fighters.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you're both noobs. A true ninja would make invisible posts.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because in between each of your posts there were invisible posts by me. They're so invisible the system didn't even timestamp them. B|
Updated by anonymous
Banned for breaking the time-space continueum.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for spelling continuum wrong.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for complimenting a ninja *ninja poof*
Updated by anonymous
~activate Hong Kong dub mode~ Banned because I am a ninja too.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a NINJA!!
I wont be able to post comments Around Aug. 1 - Aug. 7 Im moving
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz im samurai
Updated by anonymous
Banned because post #175652
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being counterproductive all day! Jeezum... Some peoples kids...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I wasn't counterproductive. I just wasn't productive.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for
Updated by anonymous
Banned because: WUZZ GEWD NYEGGUH!??
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being random.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for RIDIN' ON CARS!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm not a changeling
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause I don't care, you're dying either way.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for killing xLuna.
Also retroactively banned for saying "S'Arais."
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Ivory hasn't posted here for a while and that makes me a sad furry. :(
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you are a furry too and so am I
Updated by anonymous
Banned because we're all furries by default which includes but is not limited to you and I and everyone along this list creating an infinite loop and drrdrr.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because no one said anything about me having Renamon as a friend on Steam. :(
Updated by anonymous
Banned for thinking that anyone cares about your friend's nick.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for thinking that test subjects have friends.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I heard that!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not throwing Vagabond ON THE GROUND!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for throwing people around. Dat's assault don'tchaknow.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for punching people. That's assault too.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a fa--irly nice person. o^O
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause Hale keeps wrecking my shit.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a ro-butt.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not being a robot. >:|
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause this one does, bitch!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my CPU is exactly as it was, I just installed a little extra hardware. :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you Sincerity Simulator isn't working correctly
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my system diagnostics say otherwise.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for lying, you lying liarface. >:T
Updated by anonymous
Banned for giving me thirty-seven pounds of jack shit.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Alt+F4
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that was the first keyboard command I learned. :/
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not executing it immediately upon seeing it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I took it seriously.
Not really.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a fey goat.
Updated by anonymous
banned for punch other pokemon and I can't upload so I did this
Updated by anonymous
banned for being colorful faggot
Updated by anonymous
AbsebaroKoon said:
Banned cause I'm proud of it, ya closet freak!
Banned for charizard.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Brandy.
Charizard is the sex!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Firefox is only best fox when it has titties.
post #31799
Updated by anonymous
banned for the love of tits
Updated by anonymous
Banned because everyone loves tits. :/
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not liking tits. >:/
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cuz I like tits (and other 99 names they have)
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause dicks are only okay when they're penises. :T
Updated by anonymous
Banned for arguing about dicks/wangs/tallywhackers/penises and not the wonderfully brutish creatures they're attracted do. ._.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm not sure if the brutish creatures you're talking about are supposed to be men or women. :/
RARG! Banned for ninjaing me!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a damn faggot ninja. >:T
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of rainbows.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being annoying. :T
Updated by anonymous
Banned because British people aren't allowed on the moon.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for starting this whole thing.
Updated by anonymous
Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
Banned for starting this whole thing.
Banned for clopping
Updated by anonymous