'Cos I've got a fuckload of it.
Updated by Valence
Posted under Off Topic
'Cos I've got a fuckload of it.
Updated by Valence
Updated by anonymous
So one guy that I killed came up to my house the next day and he says "what the fuck"? I said "quit whining"!
Updated by anonymous
No, I'm much more interested in the Bananaman, hopping over on the white hot sand.
Updated by anonymous
I'm going to count to 54.... and you betetr fucking know SOMETHING!
Updated by anonymous
I know loads of stuff - Ask me anything!
Updated by anonymous
Sizer said:
I know loads of stuff - Ask me anything!
I was gonna axe you something but forgot what i was going to say.
Updated by anonymous
Ok smart guy...
Where will two trains meet if train A leaves Chicago traveling at 35 mph and train B leaves Washington D.C. traveling at 45 mph?
Updated by anonymous
skeeter said:
Ok smart guy...Where will two trains meet if train A leaves Chicago traveling at 35 mph and train B leaves Washington D.C. traveling at 45 mph?
They won't meet, you never said they were heading in each other's direction.
Updated by anonymous
Also, watch "The Supermarket is too expensive" in the related videos.
Updated by anonymous
Valence said:
They won't meet, you never said they were heading in each other's direction.
Well if two trains are going to meet you got to assume that their going in the same direction.
And if thats not good enough for you then they are heading in the same direction.
Updated by anonymous
skeeter said:
Well if two trains are going to meet you got to assume that their going in the same direction.And if thats not good enough for you then they are heading in the same direction.
a math question? i'll take a zero :)
Updated by anonymous
They are both heading in the same direction? Okay, they are both going east, and will not meet each other.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
one is going faster than the other. they will meet eventually.
Updated by anonymous
luvdaporn said:
one is going faster than the other. they will meet eventually.
but what if they run out of room?
Updated by anonymous
Valence said:
They are both heading in the same direction? Okay, they are both going east, and will not meet each other.
You can't make this easy can you?
Ok, let's pretend that there is an immagionary railroad track that streaches from Chicago to Washington D.C. ok you following me, now there are two trains, train A and train B, train A is leaving Chicago at let's say 12:00pm traveling at a speed of 35 mph. And train B is leaving Washington D.C. also at 12:00pm traveling at a speed of 45 mph. The two trains are both heading twards each other. Now tell me this in what city in the United States will the two trains meet?
Whoever can guess the right answer I will reward them with 10 Internet Cookies.
Updated by anonymous
skeeter said:
You can't make this easy can you?Ok, let's pretend that there is an immagionary railroad track that streaches from Chicago to Washington D.C. ok you following me, now there are two trains, train A and train B, train A is leaving Chicago at let's say 12:00pm traveling at a speed of 35 mph. And train B is leaving Washington D.C. also at 12:00pm traveling at a speed of 45 mph. The two trains are both heading twards each other. Now tell me this in what city in the United States will the two trains meet?
Whoever can guess the right answer I will reward them with 10 Internet Cookies.
Depends on factors such as track grade and local speed limits.
Updated by anonymous
Shut up you, your making this too hard, or a lot harder than it needs to be.
Updated by anonymous
skeeter said:
Shut up you, your making this too hard, or a lot harder than it needs to be.
Some people like it when it's hard.
Updated by anonymous
Well too bad, just answer the damn question and calim your Internet Cookies.
Updated by anonymous
skeeter said:
Well too bad, just answer the damn question and calim your Internet Cookies.
How do you calim cookies? Is that some new slang for getting high?
Updated by anonymous
Must not be a very good transport system if they are heading towards each other, it will cause a head-on collision between the two trains and that will not look very good for the public transport system :(
Updated by anonymous
it depends on if they're going to a place where they'd have to pass each other, for all we know, the train from Chicago stops in Jefferson city, and the one from DC stops in Nashville. thus, the trains will never meet.
Updated by anonymous
Gosh darn kids and their train conundrums.
Updated by anonymous
Wow, way to shit up a thread.
Updated by anonymous
What if both trains were the F40PH?
Updated by anonymous
Sizer said:
Gosh darn kids and their train conundrums.
Sorry, if it helps I thought the monty python vid was funny and I showed to like ten people already I also liked the banana man one too.
Dio_Brando said:
What if both trains were the F40PH?
Of course they are, they have to be.
cookiekangaroo said:
it depends on if they're going to a place where they'd have to pass each other, for all we know, the train from Chicago stops in Jefferson city, and the one from DC stops in Nashville. thus, the trains will never meet.
If its a straight track all the way threw, how are they going to make different stops in different directions?
Riversyde said:
Must not be a very good transport system if they are heading towards each other, it will cause a head-on collision between the two trains and that will not look very good for the public transport system :(
they wont hit each other they'll come to a nice gentle stop and at rest they'll sit about one inch apart from each other
Ultima_Weapon said:
How do you calim cookies? Is that some new slang for getting high?
There Internet Cookies your magically rewarded with them through the internet
Updated by anonymous
skeeter said:
There Internet Cookies your magically rewarded with them through the internet
Ugh, my grammar shot went way over your head, like a blind headcrab.
Updated by anonymous
Ultima_Weapon said:
So one guy that I killed came up to my house the next day and he says "what the fuck"? I said "quit whining"!
well i know your youtube account now -.-
Updated by anonymous
What if one of the trains was a time machine, like in back to the future?
Updated by anonymous
That would be neat, but they are both the same kind the F40PH super awesome deluxe train.
Updated by anonymous
BawBawBaw said:
What if one of the trains was a time machine, like in back to the future?
That would be neat, but they are both the same kind the F40PH super awesome deluxe train.
Updated by anonymous
Thought I'd share.
and this kinda stuff is why people think furries are freaks.
Updated by anonymous
When it's the extremists/weirdos who get the publicity...
Updated by anonymous