Topic: Over an' out everybody!

Posted under Off Topic

I'm announcing my take of leave from e621. The porn(and even non-porn) here is great, but I've basically come to terms with the fact that all I'm doin' is screwin' myself.

So! Without further ado, time to get on with my life and do some stuffs. If anybody wantsa stay in contact, I'll be remaining under the same name on both FA and DA. Have fun everybody~~!

Oh, uh... And this might be an odd request, but to Mellis, if you could toss me a ban to help me on my way, I'd really appreciate it.

That's all! Thanks, e621--for some fun times, wierd times, and downright scary times. Maybe later, ya? *thumbs-up*

~Your friendly neighborhood goofball

Updated by Ami~

Go get yourself lobster-banned. It's the only way to go.

Updated by anonymous

well, see ya. wish i could say you'll be missed, but you and i haven't talked much. what a shame...

Updated by anonymous

Hey, you dropped your wall- ah nevermind. Hmm, got some credit cards here.

Updated by anonymous

...the hell? Is it impossible for people to manage their offline and online lives anymore?

...or maybe it's because e6 was taking too much of his time, realized that, and decided to leave before it got too out of hand?

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, he decided to leave e621... and stay on the time-consuming social networks like FA and DA *giggle*

Updated by anonymous

i guess it's pretty sad if porn becomes that much of an obstacle that you can't function in your normal life anymore

Updated by anonymous

I think it's kinda silly that someone actually took time out of their day to announce they were leaving e621.

Like we knew the guy or something lol....

Updated by anonymous

I love all of the positive feedback around here and if you didn't know him he was a good guy and sorry to see him leave but oh well.

On a second note the ban could of been a lot more hilarious for no reason at all.

Updated by anonymous

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