i've noticed a lot of you play team fortress 2, and that e621 even has it's own server. but i was wondering. how many of you play monster hunter tri?
Updated by user 11193
Posted under Off Topic
i've noticed a lot of you play team fortress 2, and that e621 even has it's own server. but i was wondering. how many of you play monster hunter tri?
Updated by user 11193
nme22 said:
i've noticed a lot of you play team fortress 2, and that e621 even has it's own server. but i was wondering. how many of you play monster hunter tri?
We don't anymore, as it ended up never being used :(
Updated by anonymous
I played the demo, didn't like it.
Updated by anonymous
i've been meaning to buy it, but i can't dish out 50 bucks on a game i can rarely play since the woman took my wii and her mother kept it hostage D: yea the e6 server was almost always empty the few times i went on it.
Updated by anonymous
Well, when it comes to the TF2 server... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm a closet furry fan. I can't see myself ever wanting my Steam account to be associated with a server run by a furry porn imageboard. So when it was announced that e621 had this server, I was like "Nifty, I'd like to play, but I won't."
If only I could play anonymously, like the good old days of Team Fortress Classic.
Edit: As for Monster Hunter Tri, I have it, but it's buried so far in my backlog of games, I'll probably get around to actually playing it sometime in 2013.
Updated by anonymous
you can, it's called offline friend mode. as for being a closet furry, hell to the no lol http://steamcommunity.com/id/drfurry
Updated by anonymous
That's half life isn't it? I could always use some rocket-crowbar action!
Updated by anonymous
wrong game, same developers
Updated by anonymous
niko_bellic said:
wrong game, same developers
Updated by anonymous