Topic: The artist Chaoswerewolf

Posted under Art Talk

This artist isn't absolutely horrible, I don't get why everyone keeps giving her a hard time. I mean, she is only 19, people can't expect her to be perfect at any art style at her age. Of coarse, I could be wrong, but I think she has at least potential.

Updated by WolfieWolfie1992

cookiekangaroo said:
This artist isn't absolutely horrible, I don't get why everyone keeps giving her a hard time. I mean, she is only 19, people can't expect her to be perfect at any art style at her age. Of coarse, I could be wrong, but I think she has at least potential.

Man, people here want quality. And if it doesn't meet their standards...

She can always try FA.

Updated by anonymous

What do you want to tell?

If somebody is posting a piksher here, it's supposed to be shown for everyone. It's a public website, with no personal galleries. Everyone can downvote if he dislikes this picture or comment, even if it's rude or impolite. Get over it.

Also, LupineAssassin gift or commission was a bad move, basically because he's attracting drama

Updated by anonymous

Generally people want stuff that's actually good. Not that Chaoswerewolf's art is bad, it's just not good enough. If she's just starting out or if her art is not of minimum quality, she should use either DA or FA.

Whether this is a public site or not, this isn't DA or FA. Although it's an imageboard, it's lacking many features DA/FA have, like the ability to track our messages and to be notified of our favourite artists posting stuff.

Whether LupineAssassin is doing bad moves is questionable to say the least. Posting gifts and commissions is not attracting drama. Like the admins said previously, he's not doing anything to harm the site.

If anyone has a problem with his pictures, it's not enough for the admins to consider doing anything about it, so everyone should just stop complaining about it.

Updated by anonymous

LittleCodingFox said:
Whether LupineAssassin is doing bad moves is questionable to say the least. Posting gifts and commissions is not attracting drama. Like the admins said previously, he's not doing anything to harm the site.

Uh, well, I meant... oh god, can you just read my statement again? xd

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Uh, well, I meant... oh god, can you just read my statement again? xd

I re-read it a few times and i still dont see anything wrong with my reply. If it was as drama-attracting as you claim, the admins would have done something by now.

Updated by anonymous

LittleCodingFox said:
I re-read it a few times and i still dont see anything wrong with my reply. If it was as drama-attracting as you claim, the admins would have done something by now.

Just lol.

Updated by anonymous

I promise I'm not being mean.

This just isn't a private site like FA or DA. There are quality controls here. She might have potential and could become a great artist one day. Right now she does not stand up to the quality standards for this site. Her anatomy is internally inconsistent, and the draws have an unfinished feeling. They generally look like around 10% finished, little more than rough sketches.

Think of this site like a Museum. Potential or not, your art will not be hung up in a museum unless it meets a certain quality level. That doesn't mean she should feel discouraged. She just needs to be aware that until her art's quality reaches the next stage, this isn't the site to be posting her work on.

EDIT: It doesn't help that she's posted some traced art on the site. It also doesn't help that she is denying that she traced it even though it's painfully obvious. Tracing-drama is something nobody likes. Fine, there are some well known artists who've been guilty of tracing. Starfinder, DarkNek0gami, and Zen for example. If you are going to trace to learn how to draw, it's generally advisable that you don't post it online.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
EDIT: It doesn't help that she's posted some traced art on the site. It also doesn't help that she is denying that she traced it even though it's painfully obvious. Tracing-drama is something nobody likes. Fine, there are some well known artists who've been guilty of tracing. Starfinder, DarkNek0gami, and Zen for example. If you are going to trace to learn how to draw, it's generally advisable that you don't post it online.

there is only one thing in the stuff i've uploaded that may have been traced, and i don't know if it is or not, i didn't draw it, a friend of mine drew it for me. like i've told others before, i don't trace. i do use tutorials to learn new styles, but i refuse to sink so low as to trace anything. ever. end of story.

Updated by anonymous

chancethewolf said:
there is only one thing in the stuff i've uploaded that may have been traced, and i don't know if it is or not, i didn't draw it, a friend of mine drew it for me. like i've told others before, i don't trace. i do use tutorials to learn new styles, but i refuse to sink so low as to trace anything. ever. end of story.

your art is not bad but could be better. may i suggest better backgrounds? backgrounds can make a picture look a hundred times better. also maybe a little more work on the details and the body shape

P.S. i like how no one on this site discourages you. keep on drawing and you'll get better!

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
your art is not bad but could be better. may i suggest better backgrounds? backgrounds can make a picture look a hundred times better. also maybe a little more work on the details and the body shape

P.S. i like how no one on this site discourages you. keep on drawing and you'll get better!

i could work on that stuff, thank you. :)

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Think of this site like a Museum.

Yeah, think of THIS place as a Museum.

I personally enjoy your efforts. I don't need my life glossed over to enjoy it. Sand or sandstone, both serve their purpose and add to the scenery.

Updated by anonymous

Chance- or Chaos or how ever it's supposed to be, please post your work elsewhere, otherwise It will continue to be voted down and commented poorly upon. Keep working at it. but return when you get good.

Updated by anonymous

Kang said:
Chance- or Chaos or how ever it's supposed to be, please post your work elsewhere, otherwise It will continue to be voted down and commented poorly upon. Keep working at it. but return when you get good.

oh come off it, even if i'm still not the best artist there is, i'm getting better and as long as mods continue to approve my work, i have as much right to post here as you do. if you don't want to see it, black list it.

Updated by anonymous

I wonder what's the point of posting your art here?

Most people don't like it

Few people tell you "oh this is good, I fav it" more likely flatter you and are just whiteknigthing. They also damage your will to improve your skill, making you think that it's really good, cute or whatever.

Those who post non-consructive criticism are immediately chopped by white knights. Those who post consructive criticism are just ignored, you seem to draw the same way again and again.

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
I wonder what's the point of posting your art here?

Most people don't like it

Few people tell you "oh this is good, I fav it" more likely flatter you and are just whiteknigthing. They also damage your will to improve your skill, making you think that it's really good, cute or whatever.

Those who post non-consructive criticism are immediately chopped by white knights. Those who post consructive criticism are just ignored, you seem to draw the same way again and again.

i post it because some people do genuinely like it, believe it or not. what you might dislike, somebody else might really enjoy. it's like how, some people like vore and guro, most other people find it gross or revolting, does that mean vore and guro should never be posted? no, because there are still people out there who might like it. aside from that, the people who don't like my stuff can either NICELY tell me how i can improve, or blacklist me and never have to see my art again. i'll openly listen to someone who gives good constructive criticism, but won't listen to someone who just says something like, "quit posting this shit", "you suck", "this is traced", "you didn't draw this", "it's hard to critique this because...", etc.

Updated by anonymous

its because this place isn't a personal gallery, and only finished and polished peaces shod be uploaded, not sketches and such

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
its because this place isn't a personal gallery, and only finished and polished peaces shod be uploaded, not sketches and such

Define finished and polished.. because this very "unpolished" work... to me at least.. is one of the best pieces on the site.

chancethewolf said:
i post it because some people do genuinely like it, believe it or not. what you might dislike, somebody else might really enjoy. it's like how, some people like vore and guro, most other people find it gross or revolting, does that mean vore and guro should never be posted?

I don't believe this argument fits as well as you think it does. Don't stop drawing, ignore the haters.. there will ALWAYS be some.. and just work on improving yourself..

Updated by anonymous


Most of my favorite art here is "sketches and stuff" and in many ways its a lot more 'refined" than 70% of the finished artwork on this site.


one word;

I think you can openly come to terms with the notion your art is vastly under-par with the other other works in this archive. Realistically, 98% of it is better drawn. Don't take the stance that since the whitenights approve of your ability to embellish your work you should ignore the suggestions of the people who comment here. Personally, I dont think you should post anymore here. I'll abide by that opinion until I see a general improvement in your works. While you may use the "well not everyone likes vore, cub, scat, etc etc", and you may be right, but your argument is a bit null because it doesnt really apply. I'm not into that art myself, but thats because of the subject matter of those pieces. In most cases, its actually well drawn (not all mind you). Thats where the problem lies, the quality of the work, not the motif.

That said I do believe that you can improve, of course every budding artist has the capacity SHOULD THEY APPLY THEMSELVES. You obviously have the inclination to draw. I looked through your FA and DA galleries (Though it seems there's alot of commissioned work on both sites without proper reference to the artists, the drawings are tremendously different). Look at the fundamentals of how they draw compared to yours.

Now while I understand that every artist has their own distinctive style, they follow some very fundamental rules. Anatomy is a huge factor, try drawing a circle for the head and build off of that. After that its all detail. Of course the complexity depends on you, but generally it can be made with the addition of a few simple lines.
The artist pulled off a rather basic wolf tailored around your character using solid anatomy and several defining lines with a bit of shade.

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
its because this place isn't a personal gallery, and only finished and polished peaces shod be uploaded, not sketches and such


innocuous said:
a bunch of stuff

would psyredtails be a better example? a lot of people don't like his/her style but i do

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
Using e621 as a personal gallery is one of the intended uses of the site, so long as the uploader is only uploading finished works and not scraps/garbage/minor edits/unfinished images. This policy has been in place since day 1, sorry if it wasn't clear to some of the users. I would encourage any artist who does this to set up a professional personal wiki page on our wiki, too.

so long as my stuff is accepted by mods (which it is) i'm allowed to use this site as a personal gallery. so like i said before, if you don't like it, blacklist it and stop complaining about it.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
would psyredtails be a better example? a lot of people don't like his/her style but i do

Not really. I dont think psyredtails is that bad of an artist. I'm not into Pokemon, but that's a personal preference.

Updated by anonymous

If i were to start drawing today, and started to post my art on this site, I would probably be in the same position this artist is in.

In other words, give her some slack. Posting her art is fine just as long as it's finished and what not. Wether if it is good or not is based on personal oppinion.

As for the artist, continue to develop your skills! Everyone has potential to be a great artist!

Updated by anonymous

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