Topic: What in the Hell are they putting in Cartoons

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Here's the video in question:

Was driving my little 6 year old nephew to school this morning and it came on, and i spat coffee all over the inside of my Aston Martin.

For kids? I don't know about that, maybe for a 14 year old hoe, but not a little kid. Ladies and Gentlemen e621's (and the internet's) future inspiration.

What in the name of all things holy is out there like this? Why would you air that? Just no.

Updated by Valence

The_Communist_Party said:
Here's the video in question:

Was driving my little 6 year old nephew to school this morning and it came on, and i spat coffee all over the inside of my Aston Martin.

For kids? I don't know about that, maybe for a 14 year old hoe, but not a little kid. Ladies and Gentlemen e621's (and the internet's) future inspiration.

What in the name of all things holy is out there like this? Why would you air that? Just no.

You realize it was a modified video, right? That's not the real song she's dancing to.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Luna said:
You realize it was a modified video, right? That's not the real song she's dancing to.

yes i know. I just used the link from post 144048. I just remembered hearing the song somewhere and seeing the video, so i just went back there and used the link above. Couldn't find one without the music.

Really, I'm curious about the camera views and dancing style.

Updated by anonymous

Hmm, I don't watch symbionic bullshit, because cartoon network is getting faggier by the day, but that dancing scene could be seen by many conservative republicans as harmful to children.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Hmm, I don't watch symbionic bullshit, because cartoon network is getting faggier by the day, but that dancing scene could be seen by many conservative republicans as harmful to children.

lol'd so hard.

Updated by anonymous

If it's any consolation, that episode's plot revolves around the bespectacled fellow* teaching the girl that she doesn't have to be a brainless ho-bag.

*He's actually a robot, so the point to that scene is that her dancing ends up having no provocative effect on him.

Updated by anonymous

Symbionic Titan wasn't actually that bad.

Also, I don't see how that scene could be offensive to anyone. She shakes her hips? OH NO, SOMEONE CALL 1950 when people might actually give a damn.

Updated by anonymous

I personally think cartoons nowdays are never meant for children, I mean, for example: adventure time; Jake makes sexual innuendos all the time, regular show and adventure time; mild language I don't think I'd personally want my kids exposed to through an animated show (real life is a bit different than a cartoon when it comes to my views on language), south park, futurama, american dad, family guy, etc; need I say? hell, I probably wouldn't allow my kids to watch ren and stimpy (probably in part because I wasn't allowed to watch it when I was a kid). anyway, cartoons are not my cup of tea anyway (I personally despise cartoon network.)

edit: also I disagree with the "dance style" kids take to now and blame television and the internet for these kids even knowing such moves exist.

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
I personally think cartoons nowdays are never meant for children, I mean, for example: adventure time; Jake makes sexual innuendos all the time, regular show and adventure time; mild language I don't think I'd personally want my kids exposed to through an animated show (real life is a bit different than a cartoon when it comes to my views on language), south park, futurama, american dad, family guy, etc; need I say? hell, I probably wouldn't allow my kids to watch ren and stimpy (probably in part because I wasn't allowed to watch it when I was a kid). anyway, cartoons are not my cup of tea anyway (I personally despise cartoon network.)

edit: also I disagree with the "dance style" kids take to now and blame television and the internet for these kids even knowing such moves exist.

There's a difference between something like Adventure Time, which is purposely enjoyable on multiple levels (if you pick up on all the innuendo you already know what it means anyway) and South Park or Futurama which are targeted at older teens. I'd argue that Family Guy and American Dad shouldn't be watched by anyone, but that's a different matter.

I mean, to look at an older example, take something like Tiny Toons. It's undeniably a show that was meant for children, and yet there's a TON of jokes in it that would go right over an 8 year old's head but would be funny to an adult.

Updated by anonymous

Still not as psychologically harmful as Lola Bunny from Space Jam.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Still not as psychologically harmful as Lola Bunny from Space Jam.

Especially when Bugs kissed her at the end. So many children developed so many problems.

Updated by anonymous

Wahai said:
There's a difference between something like Adventure Time, which is purposely enjoyable on multiple levels (if you pick up on all the innuendo you already know what it means anyway) and South Park or Futurama which are targeted at older teens. I'd argue that Family Guy and American Dad shouldn't be watched by anyone, but that's a different matter.

I mean, to look at an older example, take something like Tiny Toons. It's undeniably a show that was meant for children, and yet there's a TON of jokes in it that would go right over an 8 year old's head but would be funny to an adult.

Subtle innuendo or at least references most children would not pick up can be found in quite a few cartoons. I find some of those in Freakazoid as well as plenty of cartoons still playing on mainstream networks. Freakazoid's awesome by the way :)

I grew up with shows like the 90s animated series of Batman, Ren and Stimpy, which was absolutely demented for children to be watching (though I think it was meant for adolescents and young adults). Rocko's Modern Life was also on the top of my list. Those were the same developers of Spongebob, which is ok, but there was so much more innuendo and so forth that they got away with in the 90s with Rocko.

I watched Looney Tunes as a kid I still watch them, especially the politically incorrect ones aired during the WWII era. Back when school shootings dominated the media and media was being used as a scapegoat (not that it still isn't), they would even edit them and take out parts deemed too violent (like joke suicides and such). There are also quite a few Foghorn Leghorn quotes that have been omitted, truncated, or otherwise edited.

When it comes down to it, I'd argue our culture has grown way down in terms of children's programming (someone as old as 12 watching Bakugan or basically anything on the Disney Channel). However, what's permitted on adult programming has clearly become much more permissive (compare the Andy Griffith show, which I think is great by the way, to most modern shows).

It makes me wonder if I'm becoming old at the age of 24. Pokemon wasn't big until I was 12 so it didn't appeal to me or anyone else my age since we were too old for that kind of stuff (at least for our generation). However, I'm absolutely shocked at some of the stuff you see on TV (only appalled some of the time, but still always shocked). Some of the vulgarity on Regular Show, for example, would never have been allowed a decade ago (that show's great too).

Sorry for the overuse of parentheses and various cognitive tangents. I just needed an outlet for my thoughts :)

Updated by anonymous

The thing is back then it was just subtle innuendo and jokes that kids wouldn't get unless they were way too smart/curious/knowledgeable for their own good. That... That isn't subtle, by any sense of the word. It's horrid, disgusting, and just plain wrong. Also, i'm 24 too. Stop making me feel older than I am!

Updated by anonymous

I think the issue here is that the overall quality of cartoons is decreasing, so people will focus more on this kind of thing. Take Phineas and Ferb for example. I haven't heard a single complaint about the content on it. But I HAVE heard complaints about far less for other shows.

Plus, the more they feel they can get away with, the more likely we are to see more actually good cartoons on TV that AREN'T reruns. And maybe we'll get out of the 'only live action shows are worth airing' phase that we fell into several years ago that actually got me to stop watching TV.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Especially when Bugs kissed her at the end. So many children developed so many problems.

Like all of us?

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Especially when Bugs kissed her at the end. So many children developed so many problems.

Don't forget Minerva Mink and Fifi.
I love Fifi :3

Updated by anonymous

oh yes, the media is so bad. Lets all blame the Media! Also, Ren and Stimpy was designed as a "Cartoon for Adults" really, people should check the rating on series before they go running their mouths.

A LOT of the time, cartoons tend to include adult innuendo ,and other things for older viewers to enjoy, while suffering through things like sponge bob with their sons/daughters/whatever, though I do not regularly watch cartoons like Adventure Time, or Regular Show {Which both seem like "Tame" versions of Ren and Stimpy} for instance, I would probably let my kid if I had one, watch say, the new Thundercats, hell, I'd let em watch Family guy before I let them watch Stripperella, or Ren and Stimpy {Which are clearly adult cartoons}. This is the internet age, kids are gonna know this shit just because parents are too stupid to monitor their kids internet access, and cartoon makers are just going with the flow of the times.

Updated by anonymous

But sometimes they put in too many adult jokes and not enough kid jokes, and that kinda ruins it. Look at Gex: Enter the Gecko. That game was fucking awesome, but I could never understand what the hell Gex was talking about half the time because I wasn't old enough to know the people who he was referencing, and that was that games only flaw.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Still not as psychologically harmful as Lola Bunny from Space Jam.

Ultima_Weapon said:
Especially when Bugs kissed her at the end. So many children developed so many problems.

So true! I think I can Remember that.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Still not as psychologically harmful as Lola Bunny from Space Jam.


Updated by anonymous